Short Desc: Remove blood particle effects when aliens die. Eliminates massive FPS/UPS drops when killing lots of enemies.
Factorio Version: 0.15
Dependencies: Base
Author: jonatkins
A very simple mod to fix FPS issues when large number of enemies die (e.g. nukes, or even large numbers of destroyer drones).
It simply disables the blood particle effects when enemies die. On my machine, this makes a significant difference when killing enemies.
Example numbers:
- With a large base running, and not attacking enemies, I get a base FPS/UPS of around 45.
- When attacking enemies, FPS/UPS would drop to 20-30.
- Killing a large enemy base with a nuke, and watching the destruction, FPS/UPS drops below 10 for a few srconds
- With this mod, FPS/UPS drops a little (to 35-40) when near enemies - and there's no big drop when enemies die