[v2.3.3] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

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Re: [v1.13.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

New update, dealing with mod downloads.

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  • Addition - Added a settings menu, currently contains two options:
  • 1. Whether mod portal is polled when the app starts
  • 2. Whether mods are automatically updated if there is a newer release available
  • Addition - Added an option to update all installed mods
  • Addition - Added an option to download all missing required mod dependencies
  • Improvement - Changed how mods are downloaded, should be less bug prone and not lose a download if multiple mods are downloaded too quickly
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Re: [Rewrite - In Development] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

This project was long abandoned and wasn't in the best functioning state when I left it. I'm getting back to coding though so I'm currently working on a rewrite of the entire app, getting all the original planned features set up as well as ensuring it works with all of the recent Factorio changes.

I realize Factorio has had a lot of work done on really improving the mod managing experience inside the game but I feel there are still a few benefits to be had and I plan to update this app to provide those, such as:
  • Profile Management
  • Configurable mod settings per profile
  • Automatic profile creation from saves
  • Automatic profile creation from server mod settings
If you're interested you can check out the progress on Github and you're welcome to provide any requests or assistance or whatever else you might be inclined to.
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Re: [v2.0.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

The next update is out

There isn't much new functionality in this release from what state the app was from the last official release.

However, this release represents a major rewrite of the app and a redesign of its look. It works better and more consistently than it did before, and will be easier to move on to other features from here.

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Re: [v2.0.1] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

Well it wasn't long before I needed another update.

New Version: 2.0.1 | Download Link
  • Fixed a positioning issue with modal windows in the app.
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Re: [v2.0.1] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by Impatient »

I tried v2.0.1 today and it crashd on startup. Logs attached.

Also, when I look at the logs, I have the suspicion, that LFMM hooks itself to the contents of "%AppData%/Factorio/". But what if I have an instance of Factorio that is not using the system path, but has everything in its local folder?
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Re: [v2.1.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

Impatient wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2020 6:42 pm I tried v2.0.1 today and it crashd on startup. Logs attached.

Also, when I look at the logs, I have the suspicion, that LFMM hooks itself to the contents of "%AppData%/Factorio/". But what if I have an instance of Factorio that is not using the system path, but has everything in its local folder?
Ah, there was a small but critical bug with it. Embarrassingly enough I hadn't tested on a completely fresh instance of the app after the latest round of changes. I've fixed that with the latest release.

To answer your question: Yes, it does try to find the Factorio path. There was a bug where it always used that specific path no matter what (which has been fixed). There are a few paths it automatically checks and if you've got it somewhere else it'll give you a prompt to give it the correct directory.


New Version: 2.1.0 | Download Link

- Feature: Import and Export of profiles
- Feature: Added ability to view Factorio save files and build profile based on mods used in that save
- Fix: App not correctly building config file on first run
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Re: [v2.1.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by Impatient »

Hey again,

I tried LFMMv2.1.0 today. Here is some feedback:
  1. The .zip does not contain an .exe . Do I need to use the installer or should it also just work by unpacking the .zip ? Personally I like "portable"versions of helper tools, which keep all their code and data in one directory which I can move around or delete as I desire.
  2. Can you also provide that portable version of LFMM, which keeps everything in its install folder and has no outside dependencies? (I have noticed, when installed, LFMM creates 2 folders in the system paths: "lunar-mod-manager-updater" and "LFMM". It would be very cool if that could be avoided).
  3. The per user installation stopped installing when it could not create some folder.
  4. The general installation worked fine.
  5. As I feared LFMM automatically hooks itself to "%AppData%\Factorio\" and the steam installation. No choice was given to chose the Factorio installation folder. I have two installations. InstaA is the steam installation which uses "%AppData%\Factorio\" for the user files. It currently is set to update to the latest experimental (18.x). InstaB is a manual installation I made from downloading the .zip for 0.17.79 . I edited the config, so it is not using "%AppData%\Factorio\" but keeps everything (including mods, saves adn configs) in its local installation folder. That is the insta I would like to manage via LFMM. I had a look at LFMMs config and I was able to direct it to that installation by manually entering the paths.
  6. Feature request: Let the user chose the installation folder of Factorio.
  7. Another feature request is that LFMM can manage several installations of factorio. Each with its own profiles, mod list, etc ... . (That way I could manage both my installations via LFMM).
  8. LFMM does not rescan the paths and configs of the Factorio installation on startup. I noticed that, when I reset the paths. On restart LFMM displayed the wrong mod list. I had to delete the mods and profiles sections from LFMMs config to force it to rescan.
  9. I like it that LFMMs config can be edited so easily, so I could adapt LFMM to my needs.
  10. LFMM starts with the wrong window position. The system resolution is 1920x1080 but LFMMs window is always a little bit off to the top and left.
  11. The buttons "save" and "cancel" in the edit profile dialog do not work.
  12. I like the feature to create profiles from saves very much. Great idea!
  13. Edit: The button "Download mod update" seems not to do anything.
  14. Edit: I personally associate an arrow pointing upwards with uploading, not downloading. I think in general an arrow pointing downwards is associated with downloading.
Thanks for the great work!
Last edited by Impatient on Sat Jan 25, 2020 4:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [v2.1.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

I appreciate the feedback! Apologies about the continued issues. Just a lesson for me about taking for granted the process of truly polishing things up, rather than take for granted that it works for me.

On the topic of the installer, I'm taking advantage of a build tool to make everything so I haven't personally ran the installer, I'm a fan of portable applications myself as well. The zip was actually the linux build, I've added a portable zip for the windows version.
I'll have to test the installer to see what's up with that but for now I'm just taking that down.

I had it on my todo list to have more granular configuration per profile (such as different Factorio installations) but I hadn't considered the inconvenience it could be right now with the auto finding of paths. I'll bump that up my list.

And that edit dialog is a silly mistake, I'll put up a hotfix for that soonish.
I appreciate the feedback! I did this largely as a personal challenge but I won't pretend not to have the satisfaction of knowing other folks are using it :D
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Re: [v2.1.1] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

Hotfix update

New Version: 2.1.1 | Download Link

- Fix: Profile edit modal save/cancel buttons were always disabled
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Re: [v2.2.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

Version update!

New Version: 2.2.0 | Download Link

- Feature: Added options page to display app options. Includes the following options:
---- Whether to close the app when starting Factorio
---- How long to keep cached online mods before refreshing it, when viewing the mod portal page
---- All of the existing paths that were originally only set during first app initialization. They can now be changed at any time
---- Added links on the options page to paths in the user filesystem where app data is stored

- Misc: Moved the data for cached online mods into a separate folder to remove clutter from main config file
- Misc: Upgraded electron store and other internal packages to access newer features, such as migrations.

This will address points 5 and 6 of Impatient's post :)
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Re: [v2.2.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by Chainik »

I've got a crash...

error-log – https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2qwhuu6xkfv2 ... g.txt?dl=0
info-log – https://www.dropbox.com/s/ckjrjraxiuqqu ... g.txt?dl=0

I'd suppose the reason may be my special path names (_STEAM_, _MODS_, _Game Utils_).
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Re: [v2.2.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

Chainik wrote: Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:21 pm Hi!)
I've got a crash...

error-log – https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2qwhuu6xkfv2 ... g.txt?dl=0
info-log – https://www.dropbox.com/s/ckjrjraxiuqqu ... g.txt?dl=0

I'd suppose the reason may be my special path names (_STEAM_, _MODS_, _Game Utils_).
Hey, I appreciate the report. I'll look into it and get an update as soon as I can :)
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Re: [v2.2.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

Chainik wrote: Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:21 pm Hi!)
I've got a crash...

error-log – https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2qwhuu6xkfv2 ... g.txt?dl=0
info-log – https://www.dropbox.com/s/ckjrjraxiuqqu ... g.txt?dl=0

I'd suppose the reason may be my special path names (_STEAM_, _MODS_, _Game Utils_).
Oh hey, I did a quick test with a path name like that and it didn't affect anything. Based on the error message it's most likely that it had an error when attempting to read one of the mods. If you've got time, would you mind listing the filenames (along with their filetype) of everything in your mods folder? That would be a great help in troubleshooting.
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Re: [v2.2.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by Chainik »

AlyxDeLunar wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:04 am Based on the error message it's most likely that it had an error when attempting to read one of the mods.
You're right!
I've just checked my archives for corruption.
Now it works fine!
Thank you!
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Re: [v2.2.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

Awesome, glad you got it to work.

It's still good to get the report, as I think having the app fail completely when loading one mod is a bit unnecessary. So I have something to improve :)
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Re: [v2.2.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by Chainik »

AlyxDeLunar wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:21 pm It's still good to get the report, as I think having the app fail completely when loading one mod is a bit unnecessary. So I have something to improve :)
Ok. Here they are:
509 mods - zip-archives, you can see them in mod-list.json
mod-list.json - https://www.dropbox.com/s/cbzzlr9aaos8c ... .json?dl=0
mod-settings.dat – https://www.dropbox.com/s/1gusuelplkqek ... s.dat?dl=0
mod-list (conflicted).json {date of last change: 2018} – https://www.dropbox.com/s/wglvm6xi7oyrd ... .json?dl=0
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Re: [v2.2.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

Oops, I need to be more careful with my words. I didn't need anything more from you, I just meant that it was good to get the initial crash report.
Sorry about the confusion but thanks for being so helpful :)
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Re: [v2.3.0] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

Version update!

New Version: 2.3.0 | Download Link

##### features
- added a startup page that allows user to see what paths the app found when trying to auto find Factorio paths, and allow ability to edit these before app runs for the first time
- added an options page in the app
- added option, whether app closes when Factorio is started through the app (default, true)
- added option, how often online mod list is polled when viewing the portal page (default, 1 day)
- added links to where app data is stored
- added ability to edit factorio paths used in the app

##### bugfixes/improvements
- changed how mods/saves are initially parsed, so if one of them fails to load the app continues anyway
- added checks for if saves/mod paths are not provided, so the app will simply skip loading them rather than crash
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Re: [v2.3.1] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by AlyxDeLunar »

Version update (whoops, immediately found a display bug in the last version)

New Version: 2.3.1 | Download Link

##### bugfixes/improvements
- fixed the initial startup page not displaying correctly
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Re: [v2.3.1] Lunar's Factorio Mod Manager

Post by Impatient »

hey there,

today I downloaded and used v2.3.1 for windows.

I noticed, that it is unable to read the mods list from existing savegames. It just reads some very messed up data.
An observation is, that this happens with all savegames made with factorio v0.18.x ( the oldest I have seen this with is from 0.18.3). For savegames from 0.17.x , mods are read correctly.

And I wanted to use LFMM for exactly the feature to create profiles from savegames, as I find it to be super usefull. :)
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