The factorio Version can be selected in the Settings under `Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Factorio Autocompletion`.
As plugin-dependency, emmyLua is required for the basic LUA integration.
Autocompletion will be added to every LUA file, when activated.
Also a different autocompletion is used for prototype definition.
The info.json has automatically the correct json-schema loaded, so it has autocompletion and error checks.
Source-Code: ... completion
Plugin-Page: ... pi-support
Implemented Features:
- info.json has a schema
- Prototype definitions (data:extend) autocompletion
- Autocompletion for require command (load default LUA libraries, e.g. `mod-gui`)
- Autocomplete Prototypes for tables (e.g. `LuaForce.recipe[String]LuaRecipe`)
- Autocomplete Prototypes in data.raw table.
- Creation of Projects/Files
- Autocompletion for LocalizedStrings (general translation tools)