Lua Requires Generator (Batch Script)

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Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
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Lua Requires Generator (Batch Script)

Post by xaetral »

To help making my big overhaul mod I made a little batch script that scans all the ".lua" files in the directory "./prototypes" (yes, even subfolders) and append each corresponding require to a fresh data.lua script.
In case that script is of any use to somebody else, here is it: (just put it in a text file and rename it with a .bat extension)

Code: Select all

@echo off
del data.lua
echo --This file has been automatically generated using Xaetral's batch script>>data.lua
for /r %~dp0prototypes %%f in (*.lua) do call :func %%f
goto end

set z=%1
call set z=%%z:%~dp0=%%
set z=%z:\=.%
echo require("%z:.lua=%")>>data.lua
goto :eof

echo --This file has been automatically generated using Xaetral's batch script>>data.lua
All of this is under public domain, feel free to do whatever you want with it.

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