I am running a virtual UbuntuServer machine running 14.04.
I want to run factorio as a headless server on that machine. I tried it according to the wiki and some information I found on this board.
I un-tar-ed the tarball to /opt/factorio, the init-script to /opt/factorio-init and the updater to /opt/factorio-updater.
I adjusted the config of the init script accordint to its readme and followed all instructions there, as I did with the main wiki page, too.
So now I copied a savegame to /opt/factorio/saves/.
If I try to start the server via the init-script the output is the following:
Code: Select all
># /etc/init.d/factorio start
Still not running, waiting a while longer...
Failed to start, aborting.
Code: Select all
>$ /opt/factorio/bin/x64/factorio --start-server hringriin
0.000 Error Util.cpp:58: There is no package core in /usr/share/factorio
I'd be happy if someone could help me.