The key advantage of that approach is that you don't have to waste time on router setup and that method should work on any machine.
Furthermore, you can simply find other guys, who want to play MP.
1) You should register at Evolve & Download the client
2) You should start the client and connect to Factorio Group
3) You should join that chat via Evolve Client.
Once you find ppl, who want to ply MP with you, it is advised to create the party.
You should Right Click on their nickame and select "Create Party"

4) Once all of you join the party, then you should decide who will host the game.
It is advised, that the host should have high upload speed for other players to connect to him quickly as well as he should SSD (Solid State Drive) to decrease the time it takes for the game to save.
Once the game is hosted, other players should connect to him via Evolve IP, which is shown in the party.
In order to connect, you copy Host Evolve IP, then go to Factorio -> Play -> Multiplayer -> Connect to Game and paste Host Evolve IP
For Example, I jnoined the party of player "S" and he is hosting.
So, I copy his Evolve IP and I connect to it in Factorio.

Additional Tips:
All the players should check ping they have between each other.
Within the party, you should right click on other players and choose "ping" command.
The host should set latency equal to the max ping between players +30.
For example, 3 players are playing MP: A, B, C. Player A is hosting.
Ping between all the players is 60, except for ping between B and C = 100.
Therefore, host should set latency to ~ 130 (the highest ping +30).
Please note, that in case of ping spikes above latency you will experience temporary freezes / desync.
For example, if you set latency to 130, but ping between B and C spikes to 300 sometimes, then all the players will experience temporary freezes and desyncs are possible.
It's recommended to play with people, who have ping below 100 (guys in EU or USA usually have that ping between each other).
However, setting latency to 200 doesn't have a very adverse affect on gameplay (you may need to set that latency if ppl from EU and USA want to join the same game).
Hosting. Setting Pause.
Host is the first player, who launches the game.
As soon as the game is loaded, it's advised for him to set pause before any other player joins.
Once all the players are connected, host may unpause the game.
Such an approach allows players to join the host simultaneously without any desyncs.
It's advised, that only host should have autosaves enabled in order to minimize lags / potential crashes.
As stated above, host should have SSD in order to decrease time it takes for the game to save.
It's advised to delete replays from save file to decrease the size of the file.