Renting a Dedicated Server

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Tools/scripts to run a dedicated server.
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Renting a Dedicated Server

Post by Conbadicus »

Friend an I want to play factorio together but we both live in a dorm with terrible nat issues. Neither one of us can connect to each other if we host without something like Hamachi, and the lag is pretty bad with hamachi. Would renting a dedicated server in another location be a viable option? If so, is there a place to rent a .15 server as opposed to the .14 ?
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Re: Renting a Dedicated Server

Post by Distelzombie »

I dont think this would help you if you even have a bad connection over LAN.
Can you play on other multiplayer servers?

To answer your question:
They always have the newest version pretty fast. Except when its weekend. They also have servers in Canada.
Complete 2-Lane system as a Blueprint-Book! The perfect OCD reactor? Testing chained science lab efficiency Please use real prefixes and proper rounding!
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Re: Renting a Dedicated Server

Post by Conbadicus »

We don't have access to lan. When we host a game and the other searches LAN, nothing shows up.
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Re: Renting a Dedicated Server

Post by Lexden »

I'm looking for people to play on my server. If you want, you could play on mine.

Connection :

Mods: Vanilla

Map: Railworld

Version: 0.15.40
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