[0.17.25]The font of Japanese kanji is a bit strange.

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[0.17.25]The font of Japanese kanji is a bit strange.

Post by darq »

When the language setting is Japanese, Chinese character is used as Japanese kanji.
diff_kanji.png (200.94 KiB) Viewed 5097 times

Japanese Kanji and Chinese character that look similar have the same character code in Unicode.
For example, the character code of "Image" (Japanese kanji) is U+5316,
the character code of "Image" (Chinese character) is also U+5316.
To correctly display such character in each language appearance, it is necessary to change the font family depending on the language.

For Factorio 0.17.25, I think it uses Chinese fonts even when the language setting is Japanese.
As a result, some Japanese kanji (which can be expressed in Chinese font) are displayed as Chinese character.
建設計画組立機(Blueprint tool): http://81.81.la/u/factorio/bp.htm
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Re: [0.17.25]The font of Japanese kanji is a bit strange.

Post by horensor »

I wish this will help.

Font files in core/locales were moved to data/core/fonts.
But there are not Japanese fonts there.
I tried putting rounded-l-mplus-1c-*.ttf there and modified data/core/locale/en/info.json below:
example "defalut" section:
(I wrote it before DroidSans line because DroidSansFallback has Japanese characters.)
Then it looks working correctly.

In my opinion:
I think "Rounded M+ fonts" are not bad font, however I suggest using original "M+ fonts".
- Tittillium fonts are used in Factorio. The typeface are designed sharp at corners of characters, but Rounded M+ fonts are modified M+ to rounded as the name suggests.
- "M+ fonts" are maintained by project members. Some updates are released after last "Rounded M+ fonts" released. I guess one of reasons why they commit, "M+ Fonts" is set as default in some Linux distribution like Debian in Japanese environment.
M+ FONTS PROJECT: http://mplus-fonts.osdn.jp/
M+ FONTS OSDN Project: https://osdn.net/projects/mplus-fonts/
Best regards.
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Re: [0.17.25]The font of Japanese kanji is a bit strange.

Post by zarath8128 »

I used m+2m :
kanji_m+-2m.PNG (34.39 KiB) Viewed 4941 times
It looks like better than default cjk fonts for Japanese, as ver 16.51.

In generally, cjk fonts described as "The fonts including Chinese character for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean". Indeed, Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji look same character, but, they are totally defferent character for Chinese and Japanese by bit deferrence of shape.

I'm storongly hoping the two characters are treated as different characters.

Thank you.

P.S I used following settings for data/core/locale/en/info.json:
(2.31 KiB) Downloaded 143 times
Thanks horensor!
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Re: [0.17.25]The font of Japanese kanji is a bit strange.

Post by wada314 »

To dear developers:
As other people mentioned, the current font used in Japanese is wrong. It would be great if you could continue using the old fonts. I believe NotoSans-JP only distributes *.otf font file, not *.ttf this game supports so we should keep stay on the old fonts.

To players (Japanese follows English):

By your own risk, you can continue using the old fonts.


First, downgrade your game to ver. 0.16. Then check Factorio/data/core/locale/ja/fonts directory. There should be 3 files so copy all of them to somewhere you like (e.g. desktop). Upgrade the game to the latest version, and copy back the 3 files into Factorio/data/core/fonts directory. Then open Factorio/data/core/locale/ja/info.json, and replace the content like this:

Code: Select all

    "completed": 100,
    "language-name": "日本語",
    "font": {
        "default": [
        "default-bold": [
        "default-mono": [
        "default-semibold": [
        "locale-pick": [
        "scenario-message-dialog": [
Then you can see the nice old Japanese font. I only confirmed the game title screen so there might be some issues while you playing though.

まず、ゲームのバージョンを0.16に戻します。 すると、 Factorio/data/core/locale/ja/fonts フォルダの中に3つファイルがあるので、それらをデスクトップなどの適当なフォルダにコピーしておきます。 その後ゲームのバージョンを0.17の最新版に戻し、 Factorio/data/core/fonts フォルダ内にさきほどの3つのファイルをコピーします。 最後に Factorio/data/core/locale/ja/info.json をメモ帳などで開き、中身を上記の内容に書き換えます。
この状態で、私の環境下ではゲームが起動しタイトル画面が正しく表示されることを確認しました。 ゲームプレイ中に問題が起こるかどうかなどは確認していません。
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Re: [0.17.25]The font of Japanese kanji is a bit strange.

Post by tehfreek »

wada314 wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 11:37 am First, downgrade your game to ver. 0.16.
Rather than downgrading your game you can just grab a zip file with 0.16 from the website. Any other than the headless Linux zip file should do.

Or if you have a preferred font on your system (e.g. VLGothic) you may be able to use that font file instead (metrics may be a bit off though).
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Re: [0.17.25]The font of Japanese kanji is a bit strange.

Post by wjy »

Traditional Chinese also suffers from the same issue with Japanese. I would like to explain that some "kanji" characters are used across different CJK languages, but the shape of characters have a bit difference in each language. For example, Adobe used this image to explain the situation:
These 4 characters are all U+66DC. From left to right: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean variation. This image is from https://blog.typekit.com/2014/07/15/int ... -han-sans/
To solve the issue, one of the way is to set different font for individual language by using Noto Sans CJK (or Source Han Sans) fonts.
I have test the results. In my opinion I like the look and feel of Noto Sans CJK font in Traditional Chinese. But the bad news is that text of buttons and window title are displayed abnormally. This also happens on game chat text and many other places, and even on Japanese version of this game. I did't test zh-CN and ko but I guess they will be same results.
Note: I set the fonts in info.json. Seems the game accepts the .otf font. I don't know whether the broken text of buttons and window title relate to the .otf format.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I am actually guessing what's the motivation of changing fonts. The game in English is using square-sans font. And the game in both Chinese and Japanese were using round-sans font. Perhaps Factorio's staffs are going to unify the style of fonts with square-sans font?
Screenshot from 0.17.25 with en. Default font.
Screenshot from 0.17.25 with en. Default font.
0.17.25-original-font-en.png (148.65 KiB) Viewed 4820 times
Screenshot from 0.17.25 with ja. Using Noto Sans CJK JP font. Text of buttons and window title are displayed abnormally.
Screenshot from 0.17.25 with ja. Using Noto Sans CJK JP font. Text of buttons and window title are displayed abnormally.
0.17.25-modified-font-ja.png (186.34 KiB) Viewed 4820 times
Screenshot from 0.17.25 with zh-TW. Using Noto Sans CJK TC font. Text of buttons and window title are displayed abnormally.
Screenshot from 0.17.25 with zh-TW. Using Noto Sans CJK TC font. Text of buttons and window title are displayed abnormally.
0.17.25-modified-font-zh-tw.png (183.7 KiB) Viewed 4820 times
Traditional Chinese proofreader of Factorio.
Crowdin profile: https://crowdin.com/profile/willy04wu69
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Re: [0.17.25]The font of Japanese kanji is a bit strange.

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report, this is fixed for the next release by reverting to the previous font.
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Re: [0.17.25]The font of Japanese kanji is a bit strange.

Post by horensor »

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Re: [0.17.25]The font of Japanese kanji is a bit strange.

Post by wada314 »

Awesome thank you!
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