[0.17.24] Roboport range not shown for various player locations and zoom

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[0.17.24] Roboport range not shown for various player locations and zoom

Post by ThaPear »

When I'm holding a deconstruction planner, the personal roboport range disappears when I either zoom in too far, or when I move to certain locations.

The following screenshots show the player located at two different positions, on the same zoom level. Note the visibility of the personal roboport range in one while it's not visible in the other.

On the first image, the range is only visible on zoom <= 0.610
Player location -161, 104

On the second image, the range is only visible on zoom <= 0.552
Player location -162, 104

Player location -117, 125
On the third image, the range is only visible on zoom <= 0.410

I play on a 1618x1050 window, so 1595x1050 game view. I have the UI scale at 0.75.
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Re: [0.17.24] Roboport range not shown for various player locations and zoom

Post by Elan »

Same except I haven't found anywhere where it does work. It seems permanently off for me.
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Re: [0.17.24] Roboport range not shown for various player locations and zoom

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next version of 0.17.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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