Graphical inconsistency in Technology GUI (unsure where to put this)

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Graphical inconsistency in Technology GUI (unsure where to put this)

Post by wat3rstone »

Underneath the icon for the Accumulator's research, there is a the number '1'. This is the same number '1' seen on other technologies that are infinite, and that continue on past the first tier. I am unsure if this is a bug, a graphical inconsistency, or one of the developers is eluding to a future research.
Screenshot (45).png
Screenshot (45).png (827.05 KiB) Viewed 936 times
worker robot cargo size 1, continues onto tech level 3 then terminates
Screenshot (44).png
Screenshot (44).png (820.05 KiB) Viewed 936 times
Physical projectile 1, an infinite technology
Screenshot (42).png
Screenshot (42).png (810.84 KiB) Viewed 936 times
Follower robot count 1, an infinite technology
Screenshot (43).png
Screenshot (43).png (794.77 KiB) Viewed 936 times
Electric Energy Accumulators, terminates after technology level 1
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Re: Graphical inconsistency in Technology GUI (unsure where to put this)

Post by kovarex »

Thanks, it was addressed in one of the latest releases.
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