Steps to reproduce:
- Download the attached scenario and start playing. When you start the scenario, anything inside the large hazard-concrete square belongs to the player's force, while structures outside that square belong to a hostile force called "rival". An iron chest inside the square contains items you will need for the next steps.
- Walk up to the grey assembling machine (gear wheel recipe is selected) and attempt to transfer iron plates into it using Ctrl+LMB or Ctrl+RMB. As expected, the transfer is disallowed.
- Place an inserter pointing at the assembling machine and a chest for the inserter to pull items from. Put a few iron plates in the chest. The inserter will insert the plates into the assembler, causing it to make gear wheels. [Expected: inserter will not interact with enemy structure]
- Focus the assembling machine with iron plates in hand and drop a few into it using Z. The plates will be dropped into the machine's inventory. [Expected: transfer into enemy building is not allowed]
- Place an inserter pointing out of the assembling machines. Notice that even though the machine now contains gear wheels, the inserter will not remove them. This is as expected.
- Repeat steps 3-5 with a chest, a gun turret, a roboport, and a transport belt segment. Results will be the same: the player can insert items with Z, but not with Ctrl+LMB / Ctrl+RMB. Inserters will insert items into, but not remove items from, enemy structures.