All of the original_damage_amount and final_damage_amount is calculated properly for all weaponry except for shotgun-shell damage and piercing-shotgun-shells damage and fire damage.
It throws 6 damage on a 12 x 5 regular shotgun shell shot instead of at least the minimum 12 damage if one pellet connects or a maximum of 60 damage on all pellets connecting when hitting a mob or spawner base regardless of damage or no damage resistance.
And it throws 9.6 damage on a 16 x 8 piercing shotgun shell shot instead of at least 16 minimum or 128 maximum whether it be a mob or a spawner base regardless of damage or no damage resistance.
So it seems the pellets weren't added for the calculation and the initial pellet damage as well. And for the fire ammo damage instead of 13/sec initial its a decimal place value like 0.15 0.23 0.33 etc. instead of at least 13 base damage.
Also, the market right click does not sell items only the single click on the market is working. The right click to get 5 items at a time which is great for ammo, etc. does not work sadly.
Thank you for your time, the custom additions you are making are awesome. The added luas make for some really nice custom gameplay, even with vanilla softmodding. If these could be added to the next update it would be greatly appreciated, thanks again.