At first glance it seems unclear how search on works.
However, in fact it's too dummy / loose.
Simple case: search for particular mod, having its exact name (Auto Deploy Destroyers) known.
Searching "auto deploy destroyers" (both with or without quotes) resolves to a bunch of unsorted (i.e. sorted by unobvious criteria) results, and the thing with exact name match can be found only at 4th (!) page.
At the same time, in-game mod search is too strict -- it allows only case-insensitive matching against mod name: "auto deploy destroyers" is ok, but "destroyers deploy" or "auto deploy" (double space) produces no results.
[mod portal] about search logic (web portal and in-game)
Re: [mod portal] about search logic (web portal and in-game)
Website search should be better now, ingame search will be changed later.