[.15.3] Root Gui Elements Errors/inconsistencies

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[.15.3] Root Gui Elements Errors/inconsistencies

Post by Nexela »

First the Error

It is possible to create elements with duplicate names
Run this command a few times. It will sometimes error, sometimes add one sometimes add both after the initial run
/c game.player.gui.left.add{type="textfield", name="A", text="Left"} game.player.gui.left.add{type="textfield", name="B", text="Vertical Left?"}

Second .15.0 Patch notes state that "The goal and left gui element has default direction vertical." this is not the case. as you can see from the above created textfields

Third: Goal position was moved to below .left and it is ALSO has horizontall flow.

Expected outcome: .goal should be above .left One would expect objectives to be at the top of a list :). Additionally both should be Vertical.

Additionally @Klonan your mod_gui script only works on .left. The problem with this is if a mod uses .top Now we have 2 rows of buttons and I become a sad panda. Additionally can you add

Code: Select all

return mod_gui
to the bottom of the mod_gui script This will have no effect on how it is currently used be will allow me to require it as a local function so I don't get linter errors :)
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Re: [.15.3] Root Gui Elements Errors/inconsistencies

Post by Klonan »

Nexela wrote:Additionally @Klonan your mod_gui script only works on .left. The problem with this is if a mod uses .top Now we have 2 rows of buttons and I become a sad panda. Additionally can you add

Code: Select all

return mod_gui
to the bottom of the mod_gui script This will have no effect on how it is currently used be will allow me to require it as a local function so I don't get linter errors :)
Other mods are always going to be able to break the mod_gui in some way, and there is no ideal solution to this

I added the return to the mod gui for 0.15.4

I managed to reproduce the duplicate gui issue:


Also goal is under gui.left specifically so it doesn't 'bump down' any mod buttons
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Re: [.15.3] Root Gui Elements Errors/inconsistencies

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report. Fixed for 0.15.11
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Re: [.15.3] Root Gui Elements Errors/inconsistencies

Post by bbgun06 »

Posila, perhaps the first bug was fixed but not the second? I just confirmed (in .15.18) that elements in gui.left are still arranged horizontally across the screen.

I think this was supposed to be fixed before .15, as Kovarex said in this thread: viewtopic.php?p=206376#p206376
kovarex wrote:I always thought that the direction is vertical. I will change it to vertical, but in 0.15, so I don't break stuff in the "almost stable" version.
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