The achievement is still unlocked on Steam.
Same issue here...actually getting killed by a train also does nothing (not reported to steam).Nymru wrote:Hello guys,
I'd like to report a (small) bug related to achievements. The watch your step achievement seems to be bugged? It's unlocked at the start of every game (modded or unmodded), and won't unlock on steam.
If you need more info, please let me know.
Code: Select all
type = "player-damaged-achievement",
name = "watch-your-step",
order = "b[exploration]-f[watch-your-step]",
type_of_dealer = "locomotive",
minimum_damage = 0,
should_survive = false,
icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/watch-your-step.png",
Delete the file "achievements.dat" from %appdata%\Factoriosolntcev wrote:Will it be retroactive fix (clear achievement status from loaded save) or will we need to start new map for this achievement?
Same for me, I tried the fix (modifying minimum damage to 1) and it crashed my game (but I still got the achievement)slindenau wrote:Updated to 0.13.1, removed the achievements.dat file, the achievement is now visible ingame as "not yet achieved". However, now it seems impossible to actually get it (tried getting killed by a moving train multiple times)?