[0.12.20] [kovarex] Stations of other forces showing up

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[0.12.20] [kovarex] Stations of other forces showing up

Post by skintkingle »

This may be grabbed during the train condition rework (Or further re-factoring of the forces mechanic in the game). A couple of friends and I are doing a 1v1v1 game and 2 of us have just got to trains. We've noticed that both our train stations are showing up in the list of optional destinations even though we are on different forces. I feel like this shouldn't be the case unless your forces are under alliance (I believe at the moment this just merges the 2 forces?)

I raise this only because I feel like as you guys are currently in the code where trains reside it may be easy to pick up/fix (If you guys havn't already)

On another track (Pun intended), Forces are working really well we've had pretty much no issues up until the train station situation! Really good job :)
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Re: [0.12.20] [kovarex] Stations of other forces showing up

Post by kovarex »

Thanks, it is fixed for 0.12.21
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