flickering big map

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flickering big map

Post by Tami »

After putting my fifth Radar, the big map, not the minimap begins to flicker.
It stops flickering while my radars are below 5, so if i remove one, it wont flicker anymore.

Savegame added, the forum only accept 3 MB files, but savagems are 4 MB, maybe it could be fixed.
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Re: flickering big map

Post by ssilk »

Do you have enough power for 5 radars? If not, this is the effect.
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Re: flickering big map

Post by Tami »

for this i have added the save game, i have enought from all and playing without mods. The effect is active too if the radars have different networks. My personal radar is flickering too, not only the radar, so the while map is flickering.

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Re: flickering big map

Post by Tami »

Picture added, if you see the map, you will see small squares, these are overall on the bigmap, they appear and disappear, its not only in radar range, even if i move with me charakter to a location without a radar overlay, i can see this flicker around the character wide radar range.
flicker.png (176.16 KiB) Viewed 6209 times

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Re: flickering big map

Post by SilverWarior »

Comfirmed! But only on your save game.
I also tried making a quick test map with editor (placed lots of steam engines and gave myself full stack of radars) and then started placing radars all over the place but was unsucsessful in recreating the flickering you are expiriencing on your save.
I also tried messing with thread settings to see if this might be caused by poor thread synchronization when using factorios mulithreading support but the problem still presisted even when I forced Factorio to only use one thread.

Anywhay I suspect that this has something to do with map fog of war which gets broken down for some reason (dimming to fast and on places where it shouldn't have).

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Re: flickering big map

Post by kovarex »

I would like to make clear that in fact, this is not a bug but intended behavior.

To make sure the game runs smoothly enough, we limited the chart to update 2 chunks per tick (120 chunks per second).
These 2 chunks are chosen from all of the chart candidates by the time they were charted for the last time.
So when the area covered by radars gets to be too big, the engine can't update all in time.

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Re: flickering big map

Post by Dysoch »

kovarex wrote:I would like to make clear that in fact, this is not a bug but intended behavior.

To make sure the game runs smoothly enough, we limited the chart to update 2 chunks per tick (120 chunks per second).
These 2 chunks are chosen from all of the chart candidates by the time they were charted for the last time.
So when the area covered by radars gets to be too big, the engine can't update all in time.
Of course, smart

But i got an high end machine running this game, so maybe an option to turn that off or higher?
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Re: flickering big map

Post by ssilk »

Hm. I guess, then it won't be deterministic anymore. Perhaps the flickering can be reduced. Or the current chunk can be made visible, so that it is clear, that only one "radar network" powers that all...
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Re: flickering big map

Post by kovarex »

I changed the timeout until the chunk starts to be dark from 1.4 seconds to 5 seconds (from the last update of the chunk on the map).
This removes all the flickering with some reserves.
The problem will still be there for much bigger factories, but there are other thing we might try to do in the future (way to avoid refreshing chunks that didn't change, some optimisations of the charting algorithm etc).

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Re: flickering big map

Post by Animar »

Is there realy no way to rise the limit of 120 cunhks per second ?

I realy like the idea to hold my borders under radar vision. I mean the still do their job but every new radar will slow all other down more an more.

and it looks like.....

https://www.dropbox.com/s/4dwszaxh8cor7 ... kerMap.rar

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Re: flickering big map

Post by kovarex »

Hello, I remember the map from some bug report, and I had the same idea when I was looking at the map.
This is the reason why I added issue for 0.9 version, to somehow skip updating chunks that didn't change, that should help a lot, as most of the areas are not changing.

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Re: flickering big map

Post by kovarex »

Hello, I just implemented the optimisation, that chunks that have no changes are not needed to be recharted for 0.9
So the 2 chunks per tick limit applies only on chunks that actually changes.
When I loaded your save, after short while, all the radar areas are covered without any blinking, and when there is attack I see enemies to move on the map almost immediately (because it is the only chunk that changes)

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Re: flickering big map

Post by BurnHard »

Good news everyone... :)

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