[Klonan][2.0.15] Platform inaccessible, stuck in an infinite loop between shattered planet and solar system edge

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[Klonan][2.0.15] Platform inaccessible, stuck in an infinite loop between shattered planet and solar system edge

Post by flaptopia »

If you have a route configured between solar system edge and the shattered planet, but with no conditions on either, the platform rapidly flickers between both destinations. The flickering is visible in both the hub menu and the left hand side surfaces menu (see attached gifs).
If you then leave the platform hub menu, the platform is no longer selectable on the left hand side Surfaces/Platform menu, and the only way I could find to re-open the platform was to load a save.

Platform hub menu:
factorio bug.gif
factorio bug.gif (272.52 KiB) Viewed 1580 times
Surfaces menu:
factorio bug 2.gif
factorio bug 2.gif (252.12 KiB) Viewed 1580 times
(23.71 KiB) Downloaded 20 times
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Re: [Klonan][2.0.15] Platform inaccessible, stuck in an infinite loop between shattered planet and solar system edge

Post by Klonan »


Thanks for the report,

It is fixed for the next release
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