(Yea, sorry for posting a belt gap bug...

The circuit stops the belt for 1 tick every 30 ticks.
I expect that - given that we all spent time and effort to report bugs for free, so that they can sell a good game - Wube would at least have the grace to notify the community if some classes of bug reports are generally not appreciated. This is imho the least they should do to stop wasting everybodys time (including their own). I don't even personally care about belt gaps. But I spent half an hour on finding, reproducing and filing a proper report anyway. Hoping to help. If this help isn't wanted/needed/appreciated then why not just say so? Anything is better than silence. There's even a Known Issues pinned topic just for this. But I see nothing there related to this report. I'm sick of having to try to read the devs mind on what might or might not - to them - be a "worthy" bug to fix. So I'd rather stop writing reports at all that don't directly affect me or my mods.
I am glad for all the people who actually care about belt gaps. I think you deserve at least a heartfelt "thank you".boskid wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:56 pm Just in case i decided to look at this behavior and i found why it was leaving a gap.
I think this is fixed for 1.1.35.
But,... at this point I'm not quite in the mood to pretend that this makes everything alright.boskid wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:56 pm I have no idea what was the reason behind moving this bug report to wont fix.