Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

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Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by diablothe2nd »

Hi, Been playing two player on this map for about 21 hours. And we now keep getting desyncs within seconds of the other player joining.

what happened was my friend leapt out of the high speed train but was spawned infront of it as opposed to out the side, and got run over (LOL!) and lost some pretty expensive stuff ( :x ). So we reloaded a past autosave. Now, despite having played for hours up to this point we now aren't able to play without a desync. Tried four previous saves but all end in the same result.

tried removing the trains and carriages too. didn't work.

i'm hoping that providing our save here will help the devs figure out what keeps making us desync.

Both players using Win7 x64
Factorio v0.11.1

36mb map file here: ...


EDIT - just tried turning autosave off on the client side and that didn't work either.
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by PalllaX »

my friend and I got a same situation yesterday. Played some hours together over LAN and then she died because of mass range biters :evil:
I loaded the autosave 20 minutes before she joined but it keeps desyncing for her every 2 seconds.

My solution was too load a savegame 20 minutes before the big fight and wait a bit. 1-2 minutes. Then she joined again and it worked. So try to load and wait alone some time. Then let him join.

My explanation is that the segment was faulty in the autosave with two players. But when you playing alone a bit with different way points and stuff there is a new segment which are able to care two players. Don't know - it just works :)
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by diablothe2nd »

Thanks for the response. We tried something similar, waiting 5 mins, pausing the game before they joined, them pausing for a min for things to catch up.. pausing while saving. Nothing worked :(
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by tecxx »

we have exactly the same issue. one player died for some reason (probably got run over by a train too ;) and we reloaded the autosave -> desync.
we then tried to fix it per some forum suggestions but nothing solved it (turn off autosave, pause/unpause, run round alone, join later, join very later, etc...). so we reverted to a 30 minute old manual savegame, which we could continue playing. however not more than 5 minutes from this manual savegame, the next one then becomes unusable again.

here are two relevant savegames for debugging. ... =file%2c7z

"" game time 21:30, we can both join and play

"" game time 21:35, when player 2 joins, we get a desync

between these two savegames we hardly did anything - run around a bit, nothing else.
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by Salmelu »

We have got the same issue, played for 5 hours without any problem, and after that, we got a desync. The game has redownloaded the map and within few seconds, we got another, and another, and so on. So we tried to load a former save, from about 10 minutes ago, that worked for a while before the desync happened again. It seems to be linked to my friend's inventory, because anytime he uses/accesses it, it causes the desync. We have tried using quickbar, putting item back, starting crafting, finishing crafting, all of those created desyncs. On the other hand, if he stands and does nothing, I could play for a minute without a problem - then he took a turret off and it desynced again.

I can attach the save/desync report, if anything helps.
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by tecxx »

we just had it again in a 3 player game. it started after we used tanks for the first time.... so we got an idea.
- load savegame before problem happened
- put down tanks, drive around, kill stuff (it was at least 15 minutes)
- exit tanks, put all tanks back in inventory
- save game
- exit, load game

... and it worked.
so its just a guess, but it may have to do with tanks or vehicles in general.

edit, some days later:
i have to downvote my own posting. we played a lot more and couldnt reproduce it again. so it was something else :(
Last edited by tecxx on Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by diablothe2nd »

tecxx wrote: its just a guess, but it may have to do with tanks or vehicles in general.
The only vehicles we had were trains, and we tried removing them with no luck :(

we did believe it was the same prob as you though at first, as there was a train on auto nearby. we managed a whole minute longer without a desync. :evil:
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by Boogieman14 »

Are you still using the 64 bit version? If so, perhaps give it a try with the 32-bit version and see if that improves things.
I don't have OCD, I have CDO. It's the same, but with the letters in the correct order.
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by diablothe2nd »

Boogieman14 wrote:Are you still using the 64 bit version? If so, perhaps give it a try with the 32-bit version and see if that improves things.
we're on a pretty large map, but i've not actually checked if the ram usage was anywhere near 4gb as host. if not i'll give it a try. cheers
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by AnShy »

desync loop in multiplayer happens when you load saved game with much a lot of moving entities, e.g. robots, bitters going to your base, trains. when moving entities fewer desync loop stops.
feeling that not enough bandwidth after another player connects, but it is not (maybe it's software bug with bandwith).
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by tecxx »

fyi, 0.11.3 did not fix this savegame for us. player 2 still desyncs after joining.
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by diablothe2nd »

I mentioned this in the 11.2 release thread but We too are still suffering desyncs.
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by Zureiya »

using /c game.killallenemies() before the second player joins resolved the desyncs that occured right after joining for me and my friend.
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by WoodyDaOcas »

/c game.killallenemies() Is not helping :( I played together with my friend for one hour, then played alone for some time and now he's not able to join. Using complete DyTech for 0.11 :) Funny thing is that he's not able to join 8h long game, where I added just some production of acid, batteries and more lave smelting, then 1.5h before that he's able to connect on second try :) It's like getting more and more unstable )

So I DCed eletricity and killed all enemies and 15 retries and nothing :/

Ideas please?
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by GewaltSam »

Same problem here. I even cleared the whole map of biters and still had no success. And there are not that many entities around.
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Re: Multiplayer map keeps de-syncing

Post by kovarex »

There are already 7 desync related bugfixes prepared for 0.11.4, so there is big chance that one (or more of them), relates to your problems, so I'm moving this to resolved for next release.
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