Unexpected error occurs while saving a hosted game.
Error BlueprintEntities.cpp item.entity->position == item.entity->getUsefulEntity()->getPrototype()->buildPosition(item.entity->position, item.entity->getDirection()) was not true
Factorio Version: 18.40
Steps to reproduce: Host the provided save game with default host settings (LAN). Save the game. The error occurs even when there are no other players connected.
I have performed further investigation and found that the fault will occur in single player, as well as multiplayer.
I have also found that the combination of:
Cjs QualityOfLife Research 01 - 1.0.0
AAI Industry - 0.4.14
Will cause as error, while each mod on there own is fine.
Is it possible I have a corrupt installation or a problem with one of my blueprints, even without mods I am getting the error.
Version: 18.42
Steps to reproduce:
Disable mods
Start new game with default settings
Move a few tiles
I have attached the log and dump file, but not the save as it failed.
I'm now pretty sure it was something in my blueprints.
I was unable to play so rolled back to 18.36 (the last time it seemed to work) but lost all the blueprints.
When moving back to 18.42, still with no blueprints, the problem seems to be gone.
Have tried vanilla and a couple of different mod combinations, no issues observed.