After upgrading there is no `Logistics` tab in my character screen, however `Logistic robotics` item is already researched. This appears after loading a game where I haven't had any trash/personal logistics researched (yet) and allowing migrations to be done after load.FactorioBot wrote: Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:07 pm Gui
- Personal logistics are now unlocked by a single research. This unlocks personal logistic requests and auto trash(unlimited count), plus 30 character trash slots.
Is it possible that the migrations do not handle the special case where `Logistic robotics` is already researched but none of the personal/trash research-item is done when loading the game?
Also in the `L`-menu (logistics networks) the personal network is present, the character showing up as a `Member` of the network.
Attached `factorio-current.log` with the session of loading / migrating that game.