EDIT: Adding charging stations and switching to an electric power source did nothing to help, so I'm at a loss for what's wrong.
EDIT 2: It turns out that a combination of the request_to_open_door_timeout and the lack of even one charging station is responsible. Once the timeout is set at or above 1.0 and at least one charging station is available, the roboport works normally. Unfortunately this isn't my desired configuration; it makes a no-charging roboport effectively impossible to create.
Code: Select all
type = 'roboport',
name = 'logistic-base-station',
icon = '__MyMod__/graphics/icons/logistic-base-station.png',
icon_size = 32,
flags = {"placeable-player", "player-creation"},
minable = {mining_time = 0.1, result = 'logistic-base-station'},
max_health = 500,
corpse = 'big-remnants',
dying_explosion = 'big-explosion',
allowed_effects = {"consumption", "speed", "productivity", "pollution"},
resistances = {{type = "fire", percent = 70}},
working_sound = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].working_sound,
vehicle_impact_sound = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].vehicle_impact_sound,
scale_entity_info_icon = true,
energy_source = {type = "void", emissions_per_minute = 100},
logistics_radius = 50,
construction_radius = 110,
logistic_connection_distance = 51,
base = { layers = { -- 3 layers of graphics } },
base_animation = {layers = { -- 3 layers of graphics } },
open_door_trigger_effect = {{type = "play-sound", sound = {filename = "__base__/sound/roboport-door.ogg", volume = 1.0}}},
close_door_trigger_effect = {{type = "play-sound", sound = {filename = "__base__/sound/roboport-door.ogg", volume = 0.75}}},
robot_slots_count = 10,
material_slots_count = 10,
request_to_open_door_timeout = 1.0,
spawn_and_station_height = 1.5,
energy_usage = "1kW", -- have also tried setting this to very small values
charging_energy = "1kW", -- have also tried setting this to very small values
recharge_minimum = "1TJ", -- have also tried setting this to 0 and less huge values
circuit_wire_max_distance = 0,
corpse = "medium-remnants",
dying_explosion = "medium-explosion",
base_patch = { -- graphics },
door_animation_up = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].door_animation_up,
door_animation_down = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].door_animation_down,
recharging_animation = { -- graphics },
charge_approach_distance = 0.1,
draw_logistic_radius_visualization = true,
draw_construction_radius_visualization = true,
collision_box = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].collision_box,
selection_box = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].selection_box,
circuit_wire_connection_point = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].circuit_wire_connection_point,
circuit_connector_sprites = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].circuit_connector_sprites,
default_available_logistic_output_signal = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].default_available_logistic_output_signal,
default_total_logistic_output_signal = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].default_total_logistic_output_signal,
default_available_construction_output_signal = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].default_available_construction_output_signal,
default_total_construction_output_signal = data.raw['roboport']['roboport'].default_total_construction_output_signal,