I was playing the Factorio demo version and downloading a big file on the same time. I have run out of space on the disk, downloading of the file has stopped. But then an autosave has happened in Factorio and the game has crashed.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a small (1.5 GB) temporary filesystem:
Code: Select all
mkdir ram sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=1536m,user,exec tmpfs ram
- Download and unpack Factorio:
Code: Select all
cd ram wget -O factorio_demo_x64_0.16.51.tar.xz https://www.factorio.com/get-download/0.16.51/demo/linux64 tar -xf factorio_demo_x64_0.16.51.tar.xz
- Start the game:
Code: Select all
cd factorio/bin/x64 ./factorio
- Set the autosave interval to 1 minute (optional)
- Start the campaign
- Create a big file on the disk:
Code: Select all
cd ram dd if=/dev/zero of=f status=progress
Code: Select all
196220416 bytes (196 MB, 187 MiB) copied, 1 s, 196 MB/s dd: writing to 'f': No space left on device 709849+0 records in 709848+0 records out 363442176 bytes (363 MB, 347 MiB) copied, 1.9422 s, 187 MB/s
- Wait until 2 autosaves happen
This happens always to me.
Excepted behaviour: the game pauses and lets you free up some space, or at least does not crash. It can also warn when the disk space is low, like IntelliJ does: