[0.13.4] Deconstruction flickering

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[0.13.4] Deconstruction flickering

Post by decay42 »

I have no idea how to search the forum for this or how to name my topic .. so I will just describe as best as I can.

If you try to deconstruct something (let's say a chest) with your pickaxe and your mouse cursor happens to be in the area, where the "deconstruction progress bar" appears, it will flicker and slow down deconstruction, because it starts and stops rapidly.

To reproduce, place a building like I did in my screenshot right across the quick bar, start to deconstruct it and maybe reposition your cursor, if it is not hovering the progress bar.

Note that this will only work when zoomed in quite a bit .. or if you have a mod like "Long Read" installed, which actually lead me to find this bug.
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Re: [0.13.4] Deconstruction flickering

Post by daniel34 »

quick links: log file | graphical issues | wiki
Manual Inserter
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Re: [0.13.4] Deconstruction flickering

Post by dakilla012 »

I've checked this on 15.16 it doesn't slow down it just straight up stops it and does a little degradation to the um info screen here's the screen shot

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... E36F82C73/

*Edit* I just relized it doesn't show in the screen shot lol
safe file
has water lol.zip
(7.46 MiB) Downloaded 105 times
if u hover over where the progress bar would be and decon u will see

*Sorry for bad grammar/punctuation*
*Have Fun!!!*
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