[0.12.6][Win8.1][64-Server]desynchronization on world change

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[0.12.6][Win8.1][64-Server]desynchronization on world change

Post by Lilrock »


Since [0.12.4] I've been having troubles with the new Hostless server. Whenever I (as the only player in the server) place a building (of any kind, robot, cement, etc...) the entire server crashes with a desync report.

I've tried multiple latency-ms (200, 400, 800) and with other things as well (just running around to see if it would desync). It seems that it will only desync when I place something or when there's too much going on (logistic bots roaming the map).

Running the host server situation and there is no issues or problems with the game or desync, this works for 24ms all the way up to 400ms latency.

A nice thing about it is that it reconnects me almost right away and I could do more (Lan connection). The only time I found that I could place something without desyncing is when I'm placing ghosts (not the first few) when there's too many jobs for the construction bots to keep up. So, when there's a queue for the construction bots, I can place anything I want (as long as it's a ghost).

Before, I had the problem with a friend constantly desyncing when joining the game. That's now fixed, but this problem still occured. I was hoping someone else would have found this bug/issue before I posted it, but it's been 2 iterations and I'm not sure why I'm the only one with this problem (or at least talking about it).

The attachment is the latest desync test that I performed. It's when I created a new server and new map and placed a furnace and miner.

System information:
Windows 8.1
8 gigs ram
Running the server in 64-bit

Windows 8.1
AMD athlon II X4 640
8 Gigs ram
Running the client in 64-bit
NVidia Geforce GT 430

Running on a 1Gig ethernet network (no other interference)

Thanks in advance. Thanks for the great game developers!
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Re: [0.12.6][Win8.1][64-Server]desynchronization on world change

Post by Rseding91 »

Can you upload the mod you used and the save file as you have it now?
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Re: [0.12.6][Win8.1][64-Server]desynchronization on world change

Post by Lilrock »

Here they are
Random Death chest that I created because I hate to lose all my items when I die
(2.74 KiB) Downloaded 96 times
Server map save
(753.22 KiB) Downloaded 98 times
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Re: [0.12.6][Win8.1][64-Server]desynchronization on world change

Post by Rseding91 »

I wasn't able to reproduce the desync without the mod. I did notice that the mod isn't written correctly and will cause desyncs if it ever actually runs the ontick code due to it not using the global data store.

As the mod is written if the tombvalue table is ever set it doesn't get set in global so when someone connects they won't have the same table value and it will trigger a desync.

Have you tried the save without the mod?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [0.12.6][Win8.1][64-Server]desynchronization on world change

Post by kovarex »

Rseding91 wrote:I wasn't able to reproduce the desync without the mod. I did notice that the mod isn't written correctly and will cause desyncs if it ever actually runs the ontick code due to it not using the global data store.

As the mod is written if the tombvalue table is ever set it doesn't get set in global so when someone connects they won't have the same table value and it will trigger a desync.

Have you tried the save without the mod?
Thanks for the analysis. I'm moving it to not a bug based on that.
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Re: [0.12.6][Win8.1][64-Server]desynchronization on world change

Post by Lilrock »

Thanks for the reply and that was an excellent conclusion. Unfortunately, I went off and removed the mod to create an unmodded server and client in the same situation. New map and I still desync.

Here are the files that were requested + the server current log
The new map that I had the desync
(192.36 KiB) Downloaded 85 times
The server's current log on the map that desynced
(20.86 KiB) Downloaded 112 times
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Re: [0.12.6][Win8.1][64-Server]desynchronization on world change

Post by posila »

Hey, Lilrock. How did you produce Server_Map.zip? If I try to load it in singleplayer game crashes, in your log I can see that bunch of migration scripts were called even though the save version was 0.12.6 ... that doesn't seem right either.
Did you modify base or core mod in any way?
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Re: [0.12.6][Win8.1][64-Server]desynchronization on world change

Post by Lilrock »

I started up a multiplayer game on my Client machine and then saved the game as Server_Map. Then I went to the saves folder found in the Factorio installation and copied it over to the server machine.

I didn't mod the core game in any way
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Re: [0.12.6][Win8.1][64-Server]desynchronization on world change

Post by Lilrock »

I think I figured out the problem. When updating the game I went for the route to just copy the new files over the old files. This produced a strange conversion of not just the new version but also included the old version as well.

I tested what I did again but, this time I went and deleted all the files before putting in the new version.

Let this be a note for manual update for Factorio. Delete everything (except maybe save files) before putting in the new files.

Thanks for your time and effort
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Re: [0.12.6][Win8.1][64-Server]desynchronization on world change

Post by kovarex »

Lilrock wrote:I think I figured out the problem. When updating the game I went for the route to just copy the new files over the old files. This produced a strange conversion of not just the new version but also included the old version as well.

I tested what I did again but, this time I went and deleted all the files before putting in the new version.

Let this be a note for manual update for Factorio. Delete everything (except maybe save files) before putting in the new files.

Thanks for your time and effort
Ok, thx for figuring it out :)
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