I'm getting this error, I think it's because of chunk generation:
71.903 Error MainLoop.cpp:943: Exception at tick 20617755: Error while running event rso-mod::on_chunk_generated (ID 12)
__rso-mod__/control.lua:630: attempt to compare number with nil
Awesome mod, I fiddled with technologies to add myself 30 more robot carry capacity techs just to get some endgame goals going, will probably add another 70 to make cool 100 when I'm bored...Idk if it'll work but we'll see when I get there
I don't know whether or not this exists already but I would like to have some sort of selectable peaceful timer before aliens start to attack you.
If that's too simple then maybe we could start with 30 minutes or so of peace and to further that you'd have to offer something to aliens (probably ...