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by roentgen
Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:51 am
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [0.11.22] [Martin] Crash depend on the system encoding (OSX)
Replies: 3
Views: 1662

Re: [0.11.22] Crash depend on the system encoding (OSX)

Any idea what does "system encoding" mean?

If it is an encoding throughout the entire system, it should take several hours to change.
If it doesn't do that, what the hell is it an encoding of?

An encoding throughout the entire system, that's right..
Wow you called the API, didn't you? ;-)
by roentgen
Thu May 14, 2015 5:02 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [0.11.22] [Martin] Crash depend on the system encoding (OSX)
Replies: 3
Views: 1662

[0.11.22] [Martin] Crash depend on the system encoding (OSX)


factorio 0.11.22 shall crash while it boots up before producing its log file.
This problem will occur when the system encoding is kCFStringEncodingMacJapanese. (also may occur at other encoding except kCFStringEncodingMacRoman. maybe)


#0 0x00007fff89d17732 in strlen ()
#1 ...

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