Search found 2 matches

by Kevinmccart1
Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:19 pm
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles
Replies: 877
Views: 624899

Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

After setting up the auto scanner for zones no zones are bening placed even if i set it all the way out to 1000 distance and I'm not playing on a server this is on a single player game So there shouldn't be any latency issues maybe I'm setting it up worng for the current version I can't find any up ...
by Kevinmccart1
Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:18 pm
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles
Replies: 877
Views: 624899

Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Anyone Notice how the Zones are getting auto deleated even when you haven't set up the zone clearer yet is anyone else haveing this problem I first noticed it when I was trying to set up an ore feild to be auto mined and all my Zones just started getting deleated so i put up the auto zone scanner to ...

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