I'm feeling very stupid now. I just realised that the game config is not linked saves. I always thought that once the config is chosen in the start it cannot be changed afterwards...
So I can continue playing Sorry for that everyone.
You could, but I'm not sure there's much they can do about it, I mean... it's something that's just pretty random. unless you have the log file from when it actually happened, it's not really predictable or repeatable.
Yup, I rolled back to 17.58 when there was an recent issue with 17.60 / 17.61 ...
There's this strange issue where mod configs seem to reset themselves occasionally. is it possible you had the transport belt overhaul turned off before, and it's turned on now?
it's very much possible. In fact I think that's exactly what happened. Should I repost it to the main (non-mod) bug ...