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by steffenk
Wed Aug 12, 2020 10:28 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [0.18.47] Importing blueprint books with deconstruction planners doesn't work
Replies: 1
Views: 913

[0.18.47] Importing blueprint books with deconstruction planners doesn't work

When importing a blueprint book which contains a deconstruction planner, the deconstruction planner is missing from the resulting book.

For example the string

0eNp1j8EKgzAQRP9lzxHUtkjzK6WEqGsJjRtJVmmR/HtjrS0eeluGmTezM9R2xMEbYlU7dwc5 ...
by steffenk
Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:32 pm
Forum: Modding interface requests
Topic: Provide a way to cancel a build action in on_put_item
Replies: 0
Views: 566

Provide a way to cancel a build action in on_put_item

It would be nice to have a way to cancel the player's build action in the on_put_item handler. This is useful if the mod wants to intercept or modify the build request (e.g. modifies the position of a blueprint to align it to a grid).

Currently one ...

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