Checked out factorio 2.0, saw train schedule interrupt and item interrupts are now a thing! wow nice poor man can't afford all that space nonsense but now I can try out some big train solutions I wanted.
But.. but.. what, why can't we actually change train station names to work nice with this ...
My humble abode, no mods, only cheat is turning biters off at 120h because I'm terrible at firewalls and spend 3/4 of the time taking care of the buggers. Screenshot from 2021-03-22 19-24-50.png
Water is collected at the lake, oil from jacks, all the ore comes in 64 wagon trains. A lot of ...
Spidertron has become my new home, I build from it, oh how I love not getting stuck in between beacons and pipes and not getting run over by trains. I carry bulk stuff in it. I attend my outposts when needed. For long walks I use the path function and use the map view to look around my base checking ...