Search found 128 matches

by Locane
Tue Nov 26, 2024 12:28 pm
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Allow pressing E to confirm number input fields, by dropping support for scientific notation
Replies: 40
Views: 3811

Please consider having "e" confirm a number entry instead of entering "e"

I really like the usability enhancement you guys introduced with "e" to confirm on many menus. It's been great to learn as a muscle memory when I'm done editing something.

It bites me though when I'm entering numbers for constant values in circuits or space ship runs - instead of closing the ...
by Locane
Fri Nov 22, 2024 10:43 pm
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: Air resistance... in space?
Replies: 31
Views: 3752

Re: Air resistance... in space?

There's a mod for this for anyone who's wondering: ... tform-Drag
by Locane
Fri Nov 22, 2024 10:05 pm
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: Air resistance... in space?
Replies: 31
Views: 3752

Re: Air resistance... in space?

Ok, but why is there drag at all.... it's space.
by Locane
Thu Nov 21, 2024 10:45 am
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: Air resistance... in space?
Replies: 31
Views: 3752

Air resistance... in space?

Can someone help me with why my "The Gulper" ship is so slow, given the thrust, engines, and weight? I have half a dozen other ships that aren't shaped like a giant hammerhead and weigh more that go faster with fewer engines.

The only conclusion I can draw is that the shape of the ship affects the ...
by Locane
Wed Nov 20, 2024 2:24 am
Forum: Modding help
Topic: Possible to make a mod that allows putting / extracting from Cargo Bay?
Replies: 1
Views: 292

Possible to make a mod that allows putting / extracting from Cargo Bay?

Is it possible to make a mod that allows getting and putting things in the inventory of the main Cargo Landing Pad on a ship (or anywhere, really) through the Cargo Bays?

If so, is it simple?
by Locane
Tue Nov 19, 2024 5:44 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [kovarex][2.0.11] Super Force Building Over Belts Forces Incorrect Belt Orientation
Replies: 9
Views: 3095

Re: [kovarex][2.0.11] Super Force Building Over Belts Forces Incorrect Belt Orientation

Even though this case with the iron chest will get fixed in the next update, why wouldn't a simple rule of the like "don't place undergrounds when the blueprint (that is being super-force built) has an entity in the same exact location". The existing belt turning into an underground would make ...
by Locane
Sun Nov 17, 2024 2:22 pm
Forum: Duplicates
Topic: [2.0.16] Scrapper graphic shorter when vertically mirrored?
Replies: 1
Views: 183

[2.0.16] Scrapper graphic shorter when vertically mirrored?

Is the vertically mirrored version of this missing some pixels?
by Locane
Sun Nov 10, 2024 3:01 am
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [Genhis][2.0.16] Can't un-pause game while in Blueprint Editor
Replies: 2
Views: 1741

[Genhis][2.0.16] Can't un-pause game while in Blueprint Editor

I ran in to a situation today where I was meticulously editing a blueprint, and my buddy paused the game because he was going AFK. I can't get to the escape menu or the console to unpause the game - there's not even a slash command (as far as I can tell) in the dedicated server console to unpause it ...
by Locane
Sat Nov 09, 2024 3:35 am
Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
Topic: Vulcanus water solution - "The Gulper"
Replies: 1
Views: 2060

Vulcanus water solution - "The Gulper"

0eNrsve2SHMeRpX0v+F29lu7xmTLbKxmTwUCwKbYNCHAaDe1ox3TvbxWKAEoSqsKPP5yyHen9wyIlICIz4kSGe5wTx//r1Q/vPj3++vz0/uXVH/7r1dPbD+8/vvrDv/3Xq49Pf3r/5t3pf3v/5pfHV3949ebjy+Pzh6cfH95+ePfu8e3Lh+dXfz28enr/4+N/vvqD/fXwnb/y9Pbx4s/4X/94ePX4/uXp5enx3Mfn//jL6 ...
by Locane
Sat Nov 09, 2024 3:31 am
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: Why don't solar panels and accumulators bring up the Electric graph?
Replies: 2
Views: 322

Why don't solar panels and accumulators bring up the Electric graph?

Our space stations have electric distribution built in to the platform, is there some reason I can't click on the solar panels / accumulators to see what the power requirements / usage is like?
by Locane
Sat Nov 09, 2024 2:56 am
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: Cargo space and Ammunition... 50 mags max..?
Replies: 4
Views: 998

Cargo space and Ammunition... 50 mags max..?

So I've been playing Space Age a lot, and one of the things that really grinds my gears is the fact that only 50 mags can fit in a 1-ton capacity rocket?

I get that we're going for game balance here to encourage other modes of destroying asteroids, but isn't there some other way we could do that ...
by Locane
Thu Nov 07, 2024 8:19 pm
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: What is the point of productivity modules?
Replies: 22
Views: 8916

Re: What is the point of productivity modules?

What is the point of productivity modules? The bonus they give is so small, they don't work for end products, you can't put them in beacons, and the relative change in productivity is even smaller when you use them on productivity-boosted machines like the electromagnetic plant. (These start at 50 ...
by Locane
Wed Nov 06, 2024 8:32 pm
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: Holmium ore - no other source than scrap?
Replies: 4
Views: 9125

Holmium ore - no other source than scrap?

Is there really no other source of Holmium Ore than the 1% chance in scrap and the deconstructables on Fulgora?
by Locane
Wed Nov 06, 2024 8:30 pm
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: Flush fluids with automation?
Replies: 6
Views: 3483

Re: Flush fluids with automation?

This is a setup that naively switches to the oil with the most quantity. It does flushing previous fluids back into their tanks.

- the selector combinator determines the oil with the most quantity
- the pumps facing right activate dependent on selected oil
- the flushing pumps have a filter for ...
by Locane
Wed Nov 06, 2024 11:09 am
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: Flush fluids with automation?
Replies: 6
Views: 3483

Flush fluids with automation?

I'm trying to play with a solid fuel making setup that automatically selects the recipe based on the most available oil type.

I'm having trouble figuring out what the fluid pumps "filter" purpose is for - if we can't ever mix fluids to begin with, what's the point of the fluid filter?

In my ...
by Locane
Wed Nov 06, 2024 8:45 am
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: Earendel Loaders and super_force_build
Replies: 1
Views: 298

Earendel Loaders and super_force_build

Could we please have super-force-build behave properly with Earendel's amazing looking and awesome Loaders mod?
by Locane
Wed Nov 06, 2024 8:44 am
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: Logistics bots won't bring higher quality items?
Replies: 4
Views: 1412

Re: Logistics bots won't bring higher quality items?

I mean, I don't know why it has to be ambiguous. Just bring me the first N number of items that match. If I want something specific, I'll make a filter for something specific.
by Locane
Fri Nov 01, 2024 10:53 pm
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: Logistics bots won't bring higher quality items?
Replies: 4
Views: 1412

Logistics bots won't bring higher quality items?

I must be doing something wrong; when I set a logistics request for "greater than normal quality" assembler 3's, the logistics bots don't bring them.

I'm standing right next to a passive provider chest with a bunch of them in it, but they don't seem to be activating.

They bring normal Assemblers ...
by Locane
Tue Oct 29, 2024 8:40 am
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: More Dumb Quality Questions - Blueprints & Better Quality Items?
Replies: 2
Views: 1493

Re: More Dumb Quality Questions - Blueprints & Better Quality Items?

Thanks. Seems like an oversight given that we can filter by item quality type on an inserter and through the circuit network.

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