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by triktor
Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:13 am
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Are there any other mods that make good use of Angel's ore sorting besides Bob's? I really like the idea of requiring advanced processing to get access to other materials and Angels does a great job at this, but I'm craving something other than Bob electronics or the rest of those mods.

Pretty ...
by triktor
Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:23 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

About the non craftable yellow board, Ive managed to narrow it down to bobs assembling machines, that mod is the one that breaks the recipe

Even more, Ive narrowed it down to bobs electronic assembling machines, with that setting off (meaning, without those machines in the game), the recipe ...
by triktor
Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:00 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Found another bug though... this time with casting motor casings with reusable mold.

I don't know if that was intended but the recipe for the reusable mold doesn't show up in the Strand casting machines like they probably should. Instead they appear in the normal casting machines but can't be ...
by triktor
Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:59 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Found another bug though... this time with casting motor casings with reusable mold.

I don't know if that was intended but the recipe for the reusable mold doesn't show up in the Strand casting machines like they probably should. Instead they appear in the normal casting machines but can't be ...
by triktor
Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:20 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

About the non craftable yellow board, Ive managed to narrow it down to bobs assembling machines, that mod is the one that breaks the recipe

Even more, Ive narrowed it down to bobs electronic assembling machines, with that setting off (meaning, without those machines in the game), the recipe ...
by triktor
Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:47 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

About the non craftable yellow board, Ive managed to narrow it down to bobs assembling machines, that mod is the one that breaks the recipe
by triktor
Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:41 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

When the new setting "more chemistry" in bob's revamp is off, the bob's fluids section adds the recipe of bob's N2H4 recipe, which has no use at all
by triktor
Sun Apr 19, 2020 6:04 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Angels refining causes a problem with the mod barrels of steam (

This mod adds 3 steam barrel recipes, 15º steam barrel, 165º steam barrel and 500º steam barrel, but when having angels refining, the 165º steam barrel has no recipe. I thought it ...
by triktor
Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:21 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Angels refining causes a problem with the mod barrels of steam (

This mod adds 3 steam barrel recipes, 15º steam barrel, 165º steam barrel and 500º steam barrel, but when having angels refining, the 165º steam barrel has no recipe. I thought it might ...
by triktor
Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:46 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Is it intended, that with the full overhaul enabled, mining buildings gives back their parts, rather than the building itself?

the last setting of angels industries enables that. I dont remember the name, but it basically causes that whenever you mine something (not just buildings) you get ...
by triktor
Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:57 am
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Is it intended, that with the full overhaul enabled, mining buildings gives back their parts, rather than the building itself?

the last setting of angels industries enables that. I dont remember the name, but it basically causes that whenever you mine something (not just buildings) you get its ...
by triktor
Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:45 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Another thing, there's a problem with some techs given by some bob mods (specifically bobo logistic and bob personal equipment), some techs require two different datacores, thus they cannot be researched. I have this problem with modular roboport 3 and 4, tool belt 5, or 6, not sure, and the last ...
by triktor
Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:38 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Arch666Angel wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:10 pm With God modules its possible that you enabled the productivity all option in bobs
Yes, I think I have that option, so, as I said, it doesnt matter that there's no recipe for tier 1
by triktor
Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:45 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Using angels industries with components,with the setting that returns the ingredients when you mine an item, if you mine the technical archive, you get one item of the previous tier. If you combine this with some productivity modules, you can have several archives.

Considering that, could ...
by triktor
Tue Apr 07, 2020 10:38 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Using angels industries with components,with the setting that returns the ingredients when you mine an item, if you mine the technical archive, you get one item of the previous tier. If you combine this with some productivity modules, you can have several archives.

Considering that, could you ...
by triktor
Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:45 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Using angels industries with components,with the setting that returns the ingredients when you mine an item, if you mine the technical archive, you get one item of the previous tier. If you combine this with some productivity modules, you can have several archives.

Considering that, could you add a ...
by triktor
Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:02 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

I just saw that the new bob electrolyzer mk5 remains in the assembling machines section even when angels petrochem is present. I've taken a look at the code, and this can be fixed editting the file __angelspetrochem__/prototypes/global-overrides/bobplates.lua, under the line 92, adding this code ...
by triktor
Fri Apr 03, 2020 1:05 am
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

with nilaus decorations, when mining (or red blueprinting) a nilaus lamp, you get a vanilla lamp instead of a nilaus one
by triktor
Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:22 am
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ


after last update today, tanks

Thats some mod using old num icons from angels petrochem, now the num icons come from angelsrefining (same path, just from refining instead of petrochem)

You can either wait until the mod author updates and fixes the mod, or you can search every file in ...
by triktor
Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:25 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1562683

Re: Bugs & FAQ

why is the new crowler train mod required for angels industries? I get it was part of the mod before, but couldnt just be optional?, I dont use it for anything, and it's true that there's no problem to have it, but I would like to be able to uninstall it

The issue is with angels equipment as ...

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