Search found 2 matches

by kemik99
Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:34 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: missing Ore processing
Replies: 2
Views: 1689

Re: missing Ore processing

that is the issue,

they are spawning, and the receipts in Angel's is incomplete , IE.. a receipt calls for Silicon, Bobmonium.. I can't process it. therefore I'm stuck, can't progress.

I installed Bob's Mods and restarted a new map. so far, everything is running correctly.


by kemik99
Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:13 pm
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: missing Ore processing
Replies: 2
Views: 1689

missing Ore processing

I'm enjoying your Mods a lot, I just have a question about refining Bobmonium and Rubyte, I have been playing a new map for about 30 hours. and so far I have not seen any refining option for these ores. I've looked in the Crusher (basic through tier 2) I just unlocked the Leaching and Floating ...

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