Search found 40 matches
- Sat Jul 22, 2023 11:42 am
- Forum: News
- Topic: Friday Facts #365 - Future plans
- Replies: 298
- Views: 180755
Re: Friday Facts #365 - Future plans
Really looking forward to factorio 2
- Wed Sep 30, 2020 12:35 pm
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
Re: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
红板3.jpg 0eNq9nVtvHEeShf/Kgs/iIK8RmX4bYIGFn/dxMVhQEmemAYokSMpYw/B/36Yls8tSV1d8ESg92SLIumRGRpyTdfLEb1fv7z7fPj4d7l+ufvrt6vDh4f756qf/+e3q+fCv+5u715+9/Pp4e/XT1eHl9tPVu6v7m0+v/7r5+MvN/Yfbj9cfDk8fPh9ern5/d3W4/3j7f1c/5d/fnfnzXw5PL5+PP3m7wpffuJbFXxb0l/+9+Mv6+z/eXd3evxxeDrdfnv+Pf/z6v/efP72/fTo+1Ntfvzzd3D8/Pj...
- Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:23 am
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
Re: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
4way.jpg 0eNq93N9uFGcSxuF7mWM76u76O5yttNKe5A5W0crAJBnJDMiY7LIR9742xIHAgOtXlPYkEra/1+3+ut9xeZ7077un128Or26Op9vdk993x2cvT693T/75++718ZfT1fX9x27fvjrsnuyOt4cXu4vd6erF/b9uro7Xu3cXu+Pp+eE/uyfru4szS3473ty+ufvIn6s+fMWlfrJyQyt//GSlvPvpYnc43R5vj4cPx/z+H2//dXrz4unh5u6gPq6+vTveX369vXx/2Be7Vy9f3616ebr/jndJl763i...
- Tue Sep 22, 2020 2:44 am
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
Re: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
2way.jpg 0eNq93MtuG8kVgOF36TU56Oqqc6F2AQJkM7tZBoOAstp2AzQlUPQkiqF3DynZsjyWPfUfHWRjQJc6arL+tlmfDH4aLncf55vDsj8OF5+G5c31/na4+Oen4XZ5t9/uzp873t3Mw8WwHOcPw2rYbz+cPzpsl91wvxqW/dX8n+Gi3K9eWPLHcjh+PH3madXjd6ynZysntPLXZyvr/e+rYd4fl+MyP17zwwd3/9p//HA5H04X9XX18XS9794f1w+XvRpurm9Pq6735594mrT2cbMa7oaLVk/jr5bD/...
- Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:31 am
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
Re: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
Daifeiya-GA-Uranium processing.jpg 铀增值.png include Kovarex enrichment process,Uranium processing,Uranium fuel cell,Nuclear fuel reprocessing,Uranium rounds magazine,and Atomic bomb,Put all this together.Set each time only 40 U-235 into Centrifuge. 0eNrtfdlyJcmR3a/I6lECpIzNI6JtZsyGwyGH+6qnMVoZCrhVDS...
- Sat Sep 05, 2020 2:18 pm
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
- Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:49 pm
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
- Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:37 pm
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
Re: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
蓝板.png 0eNq9XUtvm0cS/CsLns2ge97j2wIL7HWBPS6CQLYZh4hEESQVxAj835eKFuYk4qfpqs7yFMeyuufRXTWP+qZ/W324f9rsD9vdafX+t9X24+PuuHr/n99Wx+3n3d3989+dvuw3q/er7WnzsHq32t09PP/f/vD4cXM8bnef10+77Wn19d1qu/u0+XX1Xr++u/Lbv2wPp6fz33wz8PIv1jr8ZoB+Mwy/GaHf/Pfwm+nr9+9Wm91pe9puXjr++/98+WH39PBhczh359tvf9jcnUfnbG3/eDz/8/Mfz67...
- Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:35 pm
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
Re: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
红板1.png 0eNq1nUuPX7mR5b/KoNZWgwy+vWtggMGsZzloDFSqbDsBvSCpDBsNf/dJle0SKyt5b/xOtFa2y5XkZTDe/8MT//XDj29/fvj46fH9lx/++F8/PL758P7zD3/8v//1w+fHP71//fbrP/vyt48PP/zxh8cvD+9++MMP71+/+/q/Xv/0l9fv3zz89OrN46c3Pz9++eHvf/jh8f1PD3/94Y/573944c//8vjpy89P/+TXFf7xb7yy7S8N/WXa/rKgv/w/21/Wv//HH354eP/l8cvjwz9O/sv/+Nv/e/...
- Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:31 pm
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
Re: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
绿板1.png 0eNqlnV9vZsdth79KoWurmP+c8V2BFkWve1kExe76jfMCu1pB0gYxAn/3au0iGis6Onx+vEriWOQhzzzkzBmS799vPn7+drl/uN493fz495vrp693jzc//s/fbx6vP999+Pz9nz39cn+5+fHm+nT5cvPDzd2HL9//1+Xz5dPTw9e766fbT9eHT9+uTze//nBzvfvp8rebH/OvP7wh4K/Xh6dvz//kHzJ+/zdux/aXBf1l2v6yor/87+0v269/+uHmcvd0fbpefrf9t//xy//effvy8fLwbM6L1X...
- Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:23 am
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
Re: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
Daifeiya-GA-Small Arsenal.jpg 0eNqlW9tu4zYQ/ZVCz9ZCHF5E5W2BBfoBfSwWheIwiQBbNiS52zTIv1dO0lhxNOIc6i0JojMXHnJmyJnn7HZ3CseuaYfs5jlrtoe2z27+fM765qGtd+e/DU/HkN1kzRD22SZr6/35t/umC3W3z/f1Q/1v04bsZZM17V34J7tRL5vo58cmdNumfci7w6m96+dgSADz0IW2vpt+pSVfndp8OHVdGCYfmpefmyy0QzM04c0Dr788/dWe9rehG836+L4fDm3If9W73Yh5...
- Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:42 am
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
Re: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
Daifeiya-GA-Robot-A.jpg 0eNqtfU1vXEmu5V8paF1qBOM7ajHAAwaY/WCAWTw0Gmk5bee0LAkpqd4rNOq/T8quzry2kzfOOdebQlm2zmUwSEaQwY9/3by7f90/HQ8PLze//evm/f757nh4ejk8Ptz8dvN/Ph2ef3k6Pv6//d3LL593D68fdncvr8f98y8x/nJ8fPf4cvrr/fGXz4eH15f93/7v4eXT4+vpXz6+f73fP//6y92n/efD3e7+l6fd3T+ff7nbPfzybv/Lu9fD/cvfbn69Odw9Pjzf/Paf/7...
- Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:41 am
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 22404
The new blueprint for the Factorio 1.0.
Oh, I'm back. Congratulations on the official release of Factorio, I am still keen to do compact blueprints, updates will be slow, but very exciting. Daifeiya-GA-Early mall.jpg 0eNqlXEtvG0cM/ivGnq1gyHn7FqBFL+2ttyIoZHljL6oXpFVaw/B/78ZGLVXZ2eXHOSVxvCTn42tmyOFLc78+tftDt+2bu5fmoT2uDt2+73bb5q75/ak73nz8/8...
- Fri Aug 14, 2020 6:38 pm
- Forum: General discussion
- Topic: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)
- Replies: 575
- Views: 320588
Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)
Thanks to the development team for bringing us such a great game! It makes sense to my life!
- Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:38 pm
- Forum: News
- Topic: Friday Facts #333 - Terrain scrolling
- Replies: 40
- Views: 21347
Re: Friday Facts #333 - Terrain scrolling
Thank you so much for this optimization! Don't think this is less than 1 millisecond optimization is insignificant, this is a significant improvement for the super factory! Thank you so much!
- Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:09 am
- Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
- Topic: All machines to have circuit network control
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2195
It is recommended to add automatic control of Assembly machine
Now the scale of the factory is getting bigger and bigger. The Assembly machine is omnipotent and can make a very large variety of items. In order to make different items we often have to place too many assembly machines, in order to reduce the size of the factory and CPU consumption, I hope that th...
- Tue May 07, 2019 11:33 pm
- Forum: Show your Creations
- Topic: The New Mall
- Replies: 12
- Views: 9538
- Thu May 02, 2019 9:19 am
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: uranium processing
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2632
Re: uranium processing
Because this system is both sides of the dual boot, so the need for 80 Uranium-235, the early to let Uranium Rounds magazine has been production in order to ensure the continuous consumption of Uranium-238.
- Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:09 am
- Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
- Topic: uranium processing
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2632
uranium processing
20190502052519.png 0eNrtnetSpEmSnm9Fxk+paPvc49wmrdnuzh5vQTZWRlFZ3dhQgIBqzWisLkAXohvbK1EmXUBWEhHp/kDSqDV/tJruxjO+OPrr4eHPX48+nH9ZXV2fXdwe/fjXo7PTy4ubox//+1+Pbs5+ujg53/yz279crY5+PDq7XX0+end0cfJ587++XJ9cnH35fKwhHX19d3R28XH156Mf5eu7vX958eX0fHVyffzpy+p860/V8Kf3P7r50+PT1fn23wfH319ffrn4eHP8+eSnk/91drHashK...
- Thu Apr 18, 2019 12:26 am
- Forum: Railway Setups
- Topic: [0.17.x]Free Combination railway system
- Replies: 9
- Views: 5877
Re: [0.17.x]Free Combination railway system
search in the Internet lobby "Hive-Defender" join me.