Search found 2 matches

by samd
Sun Jan 28, 2018 5:01 am
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant
Replies: 648
Views: 388013

Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.11

Found the other mod that adds too many trivial smoke. It's the Rampant Blockable Projectiles mod.

It will be interesting to see how this works with Natural evolution, bobs enemies and necromant. Hopefully everything just works off classifications and not exact named entities.
by samd
Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:12 am
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1568884

Re: Bugs & FAQ

Broskev wrote:I am unable to filter RAW VEGETABLE OIL in any machine available. Recipe says it should be done in a Press. I also tried Filtration Unit, but to no avail.
Looks like this was fixed in most recent update. I see it in the filtration unit.

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