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- Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:32 pm
- Forum: News
- Topic: Friday Facts #365 - Future plans
- Replies: 299
- Views: 204504
Re: Friday Facts #365 - Future plans
One thing I am wondering about is if all versions of Factorio will be kept accessible. I personally play my favourite and most time spent factory on 1.0, a newer Factory and an island map on 1.1 and have a few smaller projects on 17 and 18 versions of the game. Including a Krastorio legacy map ...
- Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:50 pm
- Forum: News
- Topic: Friday Facts #365 - Future plans
- Replies: 299
- Views: 204504
Re: Friday Facts #365 - Future plans
A new large expansion is very exciting and I along with the whole community would love to see what is added and how the differences change the structure and overall function of our new factories. The potential is really boundless at the moment, a page out of Astroneers book could see us building ...
- Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:06 pm
- Forum: Ideas and Requests For Mods
- Topic: [0.16] A Mod to Revert the Capacities for Fluid
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1063
[0.16] A Mod to Revert the Capacities for Fluid
A Mod that will revert the capacities of barrels and fluid wagons, not mixing fluids in a wagon because that's gone for good now but just the amounts they hold would be a great to fix, it makes barrels and wagons much more annoying to use and I it also means when I convert my main factory to the new ...