For some reason, this rich text can't be rendered in the train schedule GUI, and it causes the reorder and delete GUI elements to go missing. The exact text of that train station's name is [color=100,0,100][Dump] Pickup - Science and Stack Inserters ...
I'm not sure that what I described in the title is what caused it, but it's what I did when the game crashed. The log is attached. In case the title didn't make sense, what happened was I laid out a line of ghost walls. Because I was a server, it was a half second before the wall ghosts actually ...
No, and I'm not using any soft mods either—but silly me! I forgot a crucial detail: this issue happens with ghosts, not entities that have already been placed.
You can see that the contents of the belt being side-loaded onto are being drawn on top of the belt that's side-loading onto it even though that belt is drawn on top of it . This certainly isn't critical, but it masks what is otherwise a cool visual effect probably 90% of ...
I should mention that I was specifically downgrading. I can also consistently remove priority inputs and outputs by using upgrade planner to downgrade. Should I record a video of it?
If I use upgrade planner to downgrade one of my green circuit setups from blue belts to red belts, the input and output priorities on the splitters vanish, including output filters.
The fade is incredibly light on some of the machines, making the icon hard to see unless you zoom in like this. Is this a bug? It seems to only apply to machines making certain items.
EDIT: It also applies to chests.
Annotation 2019-02-26 194251.jpg (100.33 KiB) Viewed 4123 times