Search found 5 matches

by taeo
Tue May 30, 2017 12:59 am
Forum: Bob's mods
Topic: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod
Replies: 301
Views: 194597

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

As for the tanks, in my install the mk3 tank only has a laser cannon, and the mk2 only has artillery, nothing else. I'll see if its an incompatibility that's causing it.

AAI vehicle mods remove weapons from all vehicles. Another side effect: your vehicles becomes autonomous, you can load them ...
by taeo
Sat May 27, 2017 3:38 am
Forum: Angels Mods
Topic: Bugs & FAQ
Replies: 3893
Views: 1523139

Re: Bugs & FAQ

I spoke with the bob's mod dev about this issue, and he says I should mention it here.

He has alternative recipes for all the things that used to require artifacts, but will default to artifact-based recipes if artifacts are provided by other mods or his Bob's Enemies mod. When I install Angel's ...
by taeo
Fri May 26, 2017 10:10 pm
Forum: Bob's mods
Topic: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod
Replies: 301
Views: 194597

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Just a quick update in case anyone ends up in this thread with the same issues I've had

The mk2 and mk3 Tanks were missing most of their weapons due to an incompatibility with AAI vehicles or one of it's dependencies

The artifacts still showing up in the higher tear warfare recipes is being caused ...
by taeo
Fri May 26, 2017 1:40 pm
Forum: Bob's mods
Topic: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod
Replies: 301
Views: 194597

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

hmm, I bet Angel's mods are adding the artifacts back in, but doesn't look like he has a toggle for them. That being said, without Bob's Enemies, the recipes still used the colored artifacts but they had a broken name. Something like "unknown.item.something.something". I'm at work so I can't check ...
by taeo
Fri May 26, 2017 3:46 am
Forum: Bob's mods
Topic: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod
Replies: 301
Views: 194597

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

I've noticed in my mod loadout that all tiers of tanks now only have a single weapon. I'm assuming this is unintentional, is it a known mod incompatibility or bug? I'm also running angel's and AAI, if that helps.

Also, I'm not sure what mod the personal energy shield MK3+ come from, but I thought ...

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