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by ruppert
Tue May 23, 2017 5:12 pm
Forum: Bob's mods
Topic: 0.14 Error while applying migration
Replies: 3
Views: 1596

Re: 0.14 Error while applying migration

Does it prevent the game from loading, or does the migration just fail, then let you continue as normal?
I'm trying to load the last file-save and then get this error, but factorio is not collapsing.
If I try to start a new game then the game start successfully, but the problem is the technology ...
by ruppert
Tue May 23, 2017 11:13 am
Forum: Bob's mods
Topic: 0.14 Error while applying migration
Replies: 3
Views: 1596

0.14 Error while applying migration

I had installed Yuokimodpack. Now after installing Bob's getting this error:
Error while applying migration: Bob's Warfare: bobwarfare_0.12.10.lua
Cannot execute command. Error: [string "game.reload_script()[]..."]:7:attempt to index field 'tanks-3' (a nil value)

bobwarfare_0.12.10.lua CODE ...

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