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by Aeternus
Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:18 am
Forum: Energy Production
Topic: Tileable Nuclear setup (v4)
Replies: 8
Views: 27943

Re: Tileable Nuclear setup (v4)

Hi, I just wanted adde a few words here as I'm experimenting with this design.

Mechanism for steam adds hysteresis. In default, if there is less than 15k steam, let the process begin. Otherwise send blue signal. The point is that blue signal triggers addition of 2,5K steam, so now the threshold ...
by Aeternus
Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:42 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: My number 1 lesson from my first game
Replies: 6
Views: 3901

Re: My number 1 lesson from my first game

The good thing about Factorio is, at least when you make an easyish game biterwise, that it's very forgiving to screwing up. If need be, you can decontstruct everything and rebuild a bit more spacey. But yea, I generally, once I'm out of my initial red and green research, detach smelters from main ...
by Aeternus
Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:47 am
Forum: Releases
Topic: Version 0.17.58
Replies: 53
Views: 33311

Re: Version 0.17.58

I added a "Build with obstacle avoidance" control settings entry. CONTROL + Left mouse click is default value.

I never thought I'd miss it, but I don't usually build explosives until I absolutely have to...and this made me have to.

Wildly off topic, but I build extra cliff explosives ...
by Aeternus
Fri Jul 12, 2019 10:47 am
Forum: Spread the Word
Topic: Here's some word of mouth spotted on Reddit
Replies: 0
Views: 3164

Here's some word of mouth spotted on Reddit

Seems Factorio has a bit of a reputation among gamers on Reddit, about being a good old heavy timesink. See here: ... me_to_get/
Specifically, the top comments on it.
by Aeternus
Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:54 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: How many main bus lines do you generally use?
Replies: 41
Views: 57891

Re: How many main bus lines do you generally use?

My current factory:
3 iron
2 copper
2 Electronic Circuits
1 Adv Circuit
1 Proc Units
1 Gears
1 Steel
1 Bricks
1 Coal

This supplies a seeder factory which constructs stuff for the rest of the factory - and has some small research going. It produces 4 belts of electronic circuits but 2 of those go to ...
by Aeternus
Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:39 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Did no one else notice massive nerf of tank in 0.17?
Replies: 102
Views: 45911

Re: Did no one else notice massive nerf of tank in 0.17?

Tank just needs a shield, then it becomes a beast again. Problem with it now is that it has less hitpoints and speed then someone on foot with power armor, and does not regenerate. Vehicle modular grids fix this but aren't part of the base game.
by Aeternus
Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:09 am
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: Ensuring trains visit all stops with the same name fairly.
Replies: 15
Views: 8026

Re: Ensuring trains visit all stops with the same name fairly.

It can but not neccesarily. You just need to have a stacker and chain signal between the receiving stations and the arriving trains. The chain signal will prevent the arriving trains from pathing to the wrong station and repath if the active receiver changed.
by Aeternus
Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:48 pm
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: Ensuring trains visit all stops with the same name fairly.
Replies: 15
Views: 8026

Re: Ensuring trains visit all stops with the same name fairly.

It can be done with a small round-robin setup that manually flags signals red and reads them - as the signal is read, the next station in the chain's red signal is cleared so it can receive a train. It's critical to put a chain signal in front of the manually switched ones. I'm at work and can't ...
by Aeternus
Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:20 pm
Forum: Medium/Big/Gigantic Sized Structures
Topic: Gigatrains: 720-car trains supplying a 10K science/min base
Replies: 21
Views: 26710

Re: Gigatrains: 720-car trains supplying a 10K science/min base

... man, it must suck if you need to cross the tracks when one of those behemoths passes. If that train is movin, anything that remotely touches it keels over, with that inertia. Where are those trains loaded? What kind of mines are they getting their ore from?
by Aeternus
Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:03 am
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Gifting the game to 2 friends, best way?
Replies: 7
Views: 5223

Gifting the game to 2 friends, best way?

Not sure where else to post this... this is kinda a sales question but there's no section for that on the forums.

I want to gift the game to 2 friends of mine as an early christmas gift. I've shown them the game and we've played around with it a bit, it's fun to do a little 3 way coop. But I'm ...
by Aeternus
Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:49 am
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Portable steam engine
Replies: 11
Views: 5116

Re: Portable steam engine

I agree. A 1x1 "Base Power Connector" and a 3x3 "Thermoelectric Generator" (burner module without need for water) would be neat additions to any armor.

A TEG could also be a potential nuclear power conversion option. High material cost but ...
by Aeternus
Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:00 pm
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Portable steam engine
Replies: 11
Views: 5116

Re: Portable steam engine

Given the 5x5 and 7x7 grids of earlier power armors, changing the panels from 1x1 is not recommended. A higher capacity panel could be useful but it'd have to be a better deal then fusion.
750kw/16 tiles = 46.88kw per tile with no drawback. Solar, to match, would need to do at least 75kw per tile ...
by Aeternus
Tue Nov 27, 2018 5:40 pm
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Make Nuclear power easier on UPS
Replies: 16
Views: 6016

Re: Make Nuclear power easier on UPS

Calculating max power is just not possible because it assumes all power generation to be on a single bus, which for nuclear plants isn't true. Nuclear even has 3 separate "fluid" systems. First you have "heat" flowing from reactor to heat exchangers. You also have water flowing from pump to heat ...
by Aeternus
Fri Nov 16, 2018 2:12 pm
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: 0.14.x rail builder doesn't keep rotation of track
Replies: 12
Views: 4786

Re: 0.14.x rail builder doesn't keep rotation of track

I think I get what the OP is talking about. When you have a set of tracks next to an empty 2x2 tile, and NOT use the arrow-extending-out from an existing track by holding shift, then clicking the terminating end of the existing track (yellow arrow will pop up) to drag a rail path, but instead just ...
by Aeternus
Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:54 pm
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Solar boiler / Solar thermal energy
Replies: 45
Views: 16379

Re: Heliostat power plant

But any steam/water based solution tends to carry a hefty performance penalty once scaled up.
by Aeternus
Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:06 am
Forum: Gameplay Help
Topic: The Feasibility of Outpost Building Trains
Replies: 5
Views: 6365

Re: The Feasibility of Outpost Building Trains

I use builder trains almost exclusively to build stuff in larger games. Draw a rail to target location, optionally power. Plop a station with a predetermined name. Wait for builder materials train to arrive while your roboport already clears the terrain (and call a second garbage disposal train to ...
by Aeternus
Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:54 am
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [13.6] Construction robots take long to respond (too many open jobs) MR
Replies: 21
Views: 18534

Re: [13.6] Construction robots take long to respond (too many open jobs) MR

How about a simple single warning instead: "Warning: Maximum build queue reached" Trigger if entity 600 is processed, at any second.
That informs the player that he/she's exceeding a game engine limitation.
by Aeternus
Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:37 am
Forum: General discussion
Topic: 0.17 Hype?
Replies: 130
Views: 62956

Re: 0.17 Hype?

I'm not particulary hyped for 0.17 - the current game is already so much fun that I don't need to wait and look forward to things. Only thing I'm mildly hyped for is the fluid system rework. Hopefully, this will lead to the fluid system being less of a CPU hog, which is good for folks using ...
by Aeternus
Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:49 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Rocket Fuel or Nuclear Fuel for trains?
Replies: 18
Views: 32654

Re: Rocket Fuel or Nuclear Fuel for trains?

Greater accelleration = less time spent on the tracks, especially at low speed = greater capacity on the rail grid. This is why I prefer nuclear fuel, even when it has less endurance. But honestly, 30 rocket fuel vs 3 nuclear fuel - which trains run routes that consume even one full nuclear fuel ...
by Aeternus
Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:30 pm
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: [0.15.37] Broken blueprints making game worse
Replies: 12
Views: 4708

Re: [0.15.37] Broken blueprints making game worse

Besides - if you paste a blueprint with recipes over unconfigured assemblers, you can multi-set recipes. If you want to have your infrastructure for red chips in place for instance before red chips research is done, you can put down the blueprints and place the buildings, then once research is done ...

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