Search found 205 matches
- Sat Nov 07, 2020 3:01 pm
- Forum: General discussion
- Topic: don't you think spidertron is way too small
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2039
Re: don't you think spidertron is way too small
The "player" is just bipedal unit controlled by the fish.
- Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:44 pm
- Forum: General discussion
- Topic: Steam destroyed 0.18.47 today!
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3616
Re: Steam destroyed 0.18.47 today !
There is a mod to disable the crashed ship cutscene, i had to install that to get the tinystart mod working which im using.
- Tue Jul 28, 2020 4:55 am
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: High rez sprites?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2622
Re: High rez sprites?
Enable latest beta from steam or download from the website, then make sure they are enabled from ingame options.
- Sat Jul 25, 2020 12:28 am
- Forum: Bob's mods
- Topic: [0.18] Please post bugs and balance issues here.
- Replies: 185
- Views: 64206
Re: [0.18] Please post bugs and balance issues here.
Poison sticker (i think) still "one shot" killing me lategame with mk3 armor and multiple mk4 shields. One hit from bigger enemies leaves dot which kills me alone even when not even near the enemies anymore, the suit has plenty power and enough shields to stand in melee of multiple hightier enemies ...
- Thu Jul 16, 2020 6:03 am
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: Bugs & FAQ
- Replies: 3893
- Views: 1589075
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Theres a sprite rectangle size error about the slowdown capsules with angels exploration.
- Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:05 pm
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: About Stone...
- Replies: 10
- Views: 5161
Re: About Stone...
You can change the ratio to more copper than tin by using the second stage of cupric processing, and then just fill rest with direct copper. Silicon will be easily used.
If you use cupric and ferrous recipes your catalyst needs shouldnt be excessive and stone shouldnt be that big issue anymore when ...
If you use cupric and ferrous recipes your catalyst needs shouldnt be excessive and stone shouldnt be that big issue anymore when ...
- Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:03 am
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: About Stone...
- Replies: 10
- Views: 5161
Re: About Stone...
You dont need to use the most advanced ferrous/cupric recipes, just tier 1/2 ones are great for most stuff, you can run the more advanced ones if you need their products.
T1 ferrous is pretty much pure ironplates/steel from the get go without extra sideproducts and you dont need to even use ...
T1 ferrous is pretty much pure ironplates/steel from the get go without extra sideproducts and you dont need to even use ...
- Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:09 am
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: About Stone...
- Replies: 10
- Views: 5161
Re: About Stone...
Mineral water is sideproduct from many other stuffs too, but yes true. I know i had similar issue when i got to t8 modules and endgame on my last run but running geodes and then crushing the crystals to get more stone did solve it iirc. Sorry havent ran the numbers, however just farming slag from ...
- Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:00 am
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: About Stone...
- Replies: 10
- Views: 5161
Re: About Stone...
You can turn crystal slurry into mineral one to fully utilize it instead of throwing it away.
Then your geodes should last much longer.
Then your geodes should last much longer.
- Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:56 am
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: Bugs & FAQ
- Replies: 3893
- Views: 1589075
Re: Bugs & FAQ
type = "recipe",
name = "bio-rubber-tree",
category = "seed-extractor",
subgroup = "bio-arboretum-desert",
enabled = false,
energy_required = 4,
ingredients = {
{type = "item", name = " swamp-tree ", amount = 1},
results = {
{type = "item", name = "bio ...
type = "recipe",
name = "bio-rubber-tree",
category = "seed-extractor",
subgroup = "bio-arboretum-desert",
enabled = false,
energy_required = 4,
ingredients = {
{type = "item", name = " swamp-tree ", amount = 1},
results = {
{type = "item", name = "bio ...
- Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:50 am
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: Development and Discussion
- Replies: 3794
- Views: 1770535
Re: Development and Discussion
Are Bobs Sniper turrets supposed to be locked behind aluminium processing, you need rifle to make sniperturret, which needs aluminium plates.
Normally sniperturret just needs iron,steel,copper and is just behind mil science. Now you need to research flotation (which is now behind oil processing ...
Normally sniperturret just needs iron,steel,copper and is just behind mil science. Now you need to research flotation (which is now behind oil processing ...
- Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:56 pm
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: Development and Discussion
- Replies: 3794
- Views: 1770535
Re: Development and Discussion
Not a fan of forced biostuff, i hope it gets better and maybe becomes optional.
Also why you counting costs in making mineral water, you literally need liquifier and waterpump to make as much of it as you want from your crushing...
Also why you counting costs in making mineral water, you literally need liquifier and waterpump to make as much of it as you want from your crushing...
- Thu Feb 13, 2020 8:05 pm
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: Development and Discussion
- Replies: 3794
- Views: 1770535
Re: Development and Discussion
On normal mode smelting crushed sapphirite (iron) and stiratite (copper) give double yields compared to bobmonium(tin) and rubyte(lead), on expensive mode all have the same yields afaik. I dont know why exactly the saph/stira give double yields, maybe to make starting easier, but it diminishes the ...
- Thu Feb 13, 2020 3:57 pm
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: Development and Discussion
- Replies: 3794
- Views: 1770535
Re: Development and Discussion
Hydrogen fuel value is way too high if it indeed is 2.7MJ, not sure what kinda maths you did to count the values for the Angel fluids from Bobs.
IRL hydrogen gives under one third compared to methane afaik and Bob tuned it way down since you can make it so easily in electrolyzer.
IRL hydrogen gives under one third compared to methane afaik and Bob tuned it way down since you can make it so easily in electrolyzer.
- Sat Feb 08, 2020 9:44 am
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: Bugs & FAQ
- Replies: 3893
- Views: 1589075
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Anyone looked at the extreme differences of the yields of multiphase oil compared to natural gas/thermal water?
I think it started at .17 or somewhere there, i made post last year about it.
Oil field yields are comparable to vanilla but thermal water and natural gas are like 100x higher yields, for ...
I think it started at .17 or somewhere there, i made post last year about it.
Oil field yields are comparable to vanilla but thermal water and natural gas are like 100x higher yields, for ...
- Wed Oct 30, 2019 12:33 am
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: Bugs & FAQ
- Replies: 3893
- Views: 1589075
Re: Bugs & FAQ
Greetings, not sure if this is a bug or design decision: natural gas wells yield is 20-100 times bigger than that of multi phase oil wells(same resource settings), this pattern presists with different world generation algorithms. So is it a bug?
I have asked the same question multiple times on ...
- Fri Sep 13, 2019 5:19 pm
- Forum: Mods
- Topic: burning more fluids?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1421
Re: burning more fluids?
If you have tiny bit of lua editing skills you can either make your own tiny mod, or extract for example angels petrochem mod and add something like:
data.raw.fluid["gas-butane"].fuel_value = "2.3MJ"
to the data-final-fixes.lua
2.3MJ is same value as Bob gives to methane gas, and afaik most natural ...
data.raw.fluid["gas-butane"].fuel_value = "2.3MJ"
to the data-final-fixes.lua
2.3MJ is same value as Bob gives to methane gas, and afaik most natural ...
- Thu Aug 15, 2019 1:02 am
- Forum: Angels Mods
- Topic: Any plans to bring back wooden boards?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3185
Re: Any plans to bring back wooden boards?
Afaik most new AB players still are afraid of petrochem and making huge bobgreenhousefarms (stop using it!).
I havent played for 2weeks or so since the petrolchange from vanilla so i dont know if there was any changes.
I love ability to make synth wood from naptha/heavy oil instead of gardening ...
I havent played for 2weeks or so since the petrolchange from vanilla so i dont know if there was any changes.
I love ability to make synth wood from naptha/heavy oil instead of gardening ...
- Wed Aug 07, 2019 4:58 pm
- Forum: Bob's mods
- Topic: [0.17] Please post bugs and balance issues here.
- Replies: 495
- Views: 173517
Re: [0.17] Please post bugs and balance issues here.
Cant you just turn off the belt changes though?
- Sun Aug 04, 2019 7:23 am
- Forum: Gameplay Help
- Topic: Stuck at providing oil
- Replies: 12
- Views: 6223
Re: Stuck at providing oil
Its just fine to have 1 pump per wagon, aslong theres tank directly behind pump. Its bit over 2sec with 1 pump and half that with 2 pumps, most people are just fine with 2sec stops