Search found 5 matches

by Zigov
Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:10 pm
Forum: Modding help
Topic: How to remove decorative
Replies: 1
Views: 2222

How to remove decorative

Can someone help me to remove decorative "sand-decal" and "sand-dune-decal", help with code example - how to do that ?
by Zigov
Thu Apr 06, 2017 2:31 pm
Forum: Modding help
Topic: Help remove water
Replies: 1
Views: 1689

Help remove water

Can someone help with code or example, how can remove water from the game.
I want to make a desert without water. I already remove all biomes except sand, but stuck with remove water.
by Zigov
Sun Mar 26, 2017 12:21 pm
Forum: Modding help
Topic: Help to remove necessary biomes
Replies: 2
Views: 1193

Re: Help to remove necessary biomes

Now I get desert :D , thanks for help.
Now I have different problem, as other biomes are disabled, water fill it places - now water are too much :shock: . I start think maybe now better need to remove water at all.
Maybe someone can help with code - who remove all water.
by Zigov
Sat Mar 25, 2017 3:16 pm
Forum: Modding help
Topic: Help to remove necessary biomes
Replies: 2
Views: 1193

Help to remove necessary biomes

Hello I need help with my first mod. Mod idea are - add only desert biome and remove some trees. I figure out, how can remove trees, who I don't wont, but I stuck on removing terrain biomes. I don't understand, how can remove all biomes except sand biome. I found code, who can remove biomes: https:/...
by Zigov
Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:45 am
Forum: Ideas and Requests For Mods
Topic: [REQUEST] Desert world
Replies: 1
Views: 1176

[REQUEST] Desert world

Hello! I always want to play factorio in the desert. Idea is simple, add desert world - remove all biomes except Send and Send Dark biome. Also removes all trees except - dead dry hairy tree, dead grey trunk, dead tree, dry hairy tree, dry tree. Water doesn't need to remove. Maybe someone can create...

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