Search found 42 matches

by beiju
Sun May 24, 2020 4:38 am
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [0.18.27] Minor UI issue: Buttons in Mods menu are enabled but do nothing when no mod is selected
Replies: 1
Views: 2265

[0.18.27] Minor UI issue: Buttons in Mods menu are enabled but do nothing when no mod is selected

In the Manage tab of the Mods menu, there are two buttons above the area where the mod description appears: Changelog and a delete button. The buttons are enabled when there isn't a mod selected, but they don't do anything.
by beiju
Sun May 24, 2020 4:35 am
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Make the mod changelog window default to changes since the installed version when opened from "Updates" tab
Replies: 2
Views: 1399

Make the mod changelog window default to changes since the installed version when opened from "Updates" tab

The way the changelogs for the game itself are shown, with the changenotes from every version since the one you just upgraded from shown in order, is very convenient. I usually view the changelogs for mods before I update them, so I'm aware if my factory is about to break, and it's much less ...
by beiju
Fri May 22, 2020 10:40 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #348 - The final GUI update
Replies: 143
Views: 67035

Re: Friday Facts #348 - The final GUI update

The new icons look amazing, particularly the way you adapted roboports, laser turrets, etc. into their portable versions.

However, I think the engine icon is one of the "problematic cases" you were asking about. It doesn't look at all like an engine, which could still be ok, except that it does ...
by beiju
Sat Nov 30, 2019 7:54 pm
Forum: PyMods
Topic: pY Petroleum Handling
Replies: 633
Views: 243000

Re: pY Petroleum Handling

py Petroleum's changelog isn't recognized by the game because the file has tabs instead of spaces. The file format is very restrictive, see this post.
by beiju
Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:48 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #317 - New pathfinding algorithm
Replies: 70
Views: 39229

Re: Friday Facts #317 - New pathfinding algorithm

The pathfinding improvements are super interesting!

Will mods be able to query the heuristic value between two arbitrary points? If not, would that be likely to be added if someone requests it?
by beiju
Fri Oct 11, 2019 4:35 am
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [0.17.69] Multiple crashes/errors while saving and loading a game
Replies: 2
Views: 1695

Re: [0.17.69] Multiple crashes/errors while saving and loading a game


I do indeed have some bad RAM. I never even thought to check that. It explains some other issues that I assumed was just linux being linux.

Thanks for your debugging help, and I'm sorry it wasn't actually Factorio-related.
by beiju
Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:27 am
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [0.17.69] Multiple crashes/errors while saving and loading a game
Replies: 2
Views: 1695

[0.17.69] Multiple crashes/errors while saving and loading a game

I just had a whole bunch of errors and crashes, most of which happened while I was trying to reproduce the first. I assume at least some of them are related (I doubt I just happened to encounter 4 bugs at once) so I'm putting them in the same report.

Running Factorio 0.17.69 on Ubuntu 18.04.1, and ...
by beiju
Thu Mar 14, 2019 4:28 am
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [kovarex] [0.17.11] Crash loading game after disabling Construction Drones mod
Replies: 2
Views: 1258

[kovarex] [0.17.11] Crash loading game after disabling Construction Drones mod

I have a save with a small number of mods, including the Construction Drones mod (by Klonan). When I try to load the game with that mod disabled, I get a crash every time. The save, mods folder, and two logs from two seemingly-identical crashes are attached.

In case it's relevant: MacOS 10.14.3 ...
by beiju
Tue Mar 05, 2019 2:41 am
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [Oxyd] [0.17.5] Search in technology screen is reset when selecting a research
Replies: 1
Views: 2050

[Oxyd] [0.17.5] Search in technology screen is reset when selecting a research

Steps to reproduce:

In the research screen, search for something, e.g. "mining"
Click a technology, then click "Start Research"
List of technologies is reset to showing everything, although the search box is not cleared.

Expected behavior: The search filter is still applied until I change ...
by beiju
Sat Mar 02, 2019 5:40 am
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [0.17.4] Crash with specific save: "Unit number cannot be zero when comparing entities"
Replies: 1
Views: 1198

[0.17.4] Crash with specific save: "Unit number cannot be zero when comparing entities"

This crash has happened somewhere around 6 times within a few hours. I haven't been able to identify anything that causes it. At the time of the most recent crash I was driving a train while robots were on their way back from placing rail, but it happens when bots and rail aren't involved too. Three ...
by beiju
Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:08 am
Forum: Minor issues
Topic: [0.17.3] Placing ghost pipe under a tree does not mark tree for deconstruction
Replies: 3
Views: 1481

Re: [0.17.3] Placing ghost pipe under a tree does not mark tree for deconstruction

Thanks for the explanation. I can see how that wouldn't be worth fixing.

Perhaps one day pipe ghosts will connect, and that will fix this issue.
by beiju
Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:26 am
Forum: Minor issues
Topic: [0.17.3] Placing ghost pipe under a tree does not mark tree for deconstruction
Replies: 3
Views: 1481

[0.17.3] Placing ghost pipe under a tree does not mark tree for deconstruction

I've only seen this issue in one specific case. The save is attached.

Steps to reproduce:

Load the attached save
Try to place a pipe at the output of the pumpjack next to the character. It fails (correctly) with the reason "Tree is in the way"
Place a ghost pipe in the same location. Ghost ...
by beiju
Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:23 am
Forum: Duplicates
Topic: [0.17.1][MacOS] Command key not recognized when remapped at the OS level
Replies: 1
Views: 800

[0.17.1][MacOS] Command key not recognized when remapped at the OS level

I use a windows-layout keyboard on a Mac, and use the MacOS modifier key remapping to swap the windows key (recognized as command key on mac) and alt key (recognized as option key on mac). The remapping settings are in System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard section -> Modifier Keys…

Option ...
by beiju
Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:18 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [0.17.1] Map preview incorrect when editing ribbon world height
Replies: 0
Views: 706

[0.17.1] Map preview incorrect when editing ribbon world height

Steps to reproduce:

Go to Start New Game screen
Show preview
Select ribbon world preset
Under "Advanced", change map height to 80
Preview refreshes. The 80 tiles worth of land is rendered correctly. Below it is a black bar of void (as expected), but below that you can still see the land from ...
by beiju
Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:46 am
Forum: Implemented mod requests
Topic: A function on Player objects to open the map view at a given position
Replies: 2
Views: 1469

Re: A function on Player objects to open the map view at a given position


Btw, I'm a big fan of the script rendering API. Thanks for that too!
by beiju
Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:09 am
Forum: Implemented mod requests
Topic: A function on Player objects to open the map view at a given position
Replies: 2
Views: 1469

A function on Player objects to open the map view at a given position

I have a few ideas that would benefit from a way to open the map view for a specific player at a specific location. Suggested API:

player.open_map(location, scale)

Location is the coordinates of the position that will be centered in map view
Scale is an optional parameter for the map scale, with ...
by beiju
Fri Dec 21, 2018 5:27 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #274 - New fluid system 2
Replies: 166
Views: 86306

Re: Friday Facts #274 - New fluid system 2

Once an empty fluid system (connected network of fluidboxes - pipes, crafting machines etc.) touches either a fluid or a fluid filter, the system is locked onto that fluid. It is then not possible to connect it to another system with a different fluid. There are quite a few actions which can ...
by beiju
Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:20 pm
Forum: Modding discussion
Topic: 0.17 Unit & AI additions
Replies: 36
Views: 20935

Re: 0.17 Unit & AI additions

I’m aware this might be difficult, depending on pathfinder implementation, but I’d love to be able to get paths that obey the constraints of vehicles — specifically the limited turning radius.
by beiju
Fri Aug 31, 2018 4:36 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #258 - New autoplace
Replies: 145
Views: 73274

Re: Friday Facts #258 - New autoplace

Chiming in on the water placement issue — in every single map I’ve played in 0.16, water frequency increases with distance from spawn until pretty soon, landfilling huge lakes is the only option. It completely eliminates water as a constraint to building, because there’s just not enough space. It ...
by beiju
Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:40 am
Forum: Pending
Topic: [0.16.51] Game crashes if you press Enter near too many cars
Replies: 3
Views: 2010

Re: [0.16.51] Game crashes if you press Enter near too many cars

I attached a simplified version of the mod and a save game with too many cars (spawned by command). When I load this save and hit enter, I get the crash whose log is also in that zip file.

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