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by JamesOFarrell
Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:57 am
Forum: Mods
Topic: [dead] Wagons: More train stuff
Replies: 140
Views: 104837

Re: [dead] Wagons: More train stuff

Honestly, this mod was a mess before i abandoned it. There was no multiplayer back then and the mod API looks very different now because of it. You would be better of stealing the assets and starting from scratch.
by JamesOFarrell
Sat May 28, 2016 12:38 am
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #140 - Soon
Replies: 144
Views: 72910

Re: Friday Facts #140 - Soon

Wow, 0.13 is sounding awesome. Can't wait to get back into factorio.
kovarex wrote:that there is little bit more than a new graphics and you will like it :)
Wonder what this could be? Maybe electric locos? liquid wagon? I am excited!
by JamesOFarrell
Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:47 am
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15|0.14] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport 1.4.1
Replies: 374
Views: 374553

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport

I'll probably maintain Railtanker, since my save(s) kind of depend on it. If you want you can link in your OP for the time being. I'll add my releases there and you get the pull requests.

Thanks Choumiko. Glad someone is keeping it alive. I've ...
by JamesOFarrell
Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:12 am
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train manager 2.0.7
Replies: 348
Views: 302019

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

I'm just going to paste this here from the rail tanker thread. I'll update the first post now with the posted version Choumiko posted earlier.

I figure i should pop up and say something at this point. Life is crazy at the moment, between work and house hunting I've got almost no time to relax. I ...
by JamesOFarrell
Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:10 am
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15|0.14] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport 1.4.1
Replies: 374
Views: 374553

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport

I figure i should pop up and say something at this point. Life is crazy at the moment, between work and house hunting I've got almost no time to relax. I used to play Factorio and mod in that time but these days I am messing around with some other things. I'm hoping to get back into Factorio when ...
by JamesOFarrell
Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:17 pm
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train manager 2.0.7
Replies: 348
Views: 302019

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Uploaded a fix. Also has fixes that Choumiko has added. You might be better off loading the game without TFC and saving it to fix the issue.

Edit: If it doesn't work, post the save game. If you don't post the save game I can't help you
by JamesOFarrell
Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:04 pm
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15|0.14] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport 1.4.1
Replies: 374
Views: 374553

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport

Ok, new version is up. It is smaller and won't run on anything less and 0.12.11.
by JamesOFarrell
Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:20 pm
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15|0.14] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport 1.4.1
Replies: 374
Views: 374553

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport

Sorry, I uploaded a half ass version yesterday morning before I went out for the day. Give me an hour or so and I'll posted a fixed version.
by JamesOFarrell
Fri Oct 16, 2015 11:23 pm
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15|0.14] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport 1.4.1
Replies: 374
Views: 374553

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport

Choumiko wrote:1.1.1 has the base_area of the fluidbox set to 125, wasn't it 250 in 1.0?

And wow, you're quick accepting pull requests :D
It should be yes. Must be a mistake. To be honest, i was pretty being pretty lazy this morning. I'll have another look at it and fix it properly
by JamesOFarrell
Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:36 pm
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train manager 2.0.7
Replies: 348
Views: 302019

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

New version 0.3.0. It supports different player forces, i think. I wrote it a while ago and never released it but with 0.12.11 breaking all the mods I thought I better release something. Also had fixes from some dude on github, I may not have looked at them before i merged them so good luck everyone
by JamesOFarrell
Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:19 pm
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15|0.14] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport 1.4.1
Replies: 374
Views: 374553

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport

Version 1.1.1 is up. Should work with 0.12.11.
by JamesOFarrell
Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:13 pm
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15|0.14] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport 1.4.1
Replies: 374
Views: 374553

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport

capthavic wrote:Downloaded update today and it broke the mod, any chance you'll patch it soon?
Sorry, i've not been keeping up with factorio updates. I'll see what I can do.
by JamesOFarrell
Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:01 am
Forum: Mods
Topic: [dead] Wagons: More train stuff
Replies: 140
Views: 104837

Re: [dead] Wagons: More train stuff

Xerrass wrote:Hey JamesOFarrell is it posibal to use the Acumulator Cariage Model for my own mod ?
I can't think why not. The whole thing is MIT licensed. I think if you dig through the thread you should find the blender file.
by JamesOFarrell
Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:56 pm
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.12.x] Lua Combinator 0.0.1
Replies: 27
Views: 34346

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Lua Combinator 0.0.1

is it possible to write a script in the lua combinator that (when the conditions are met) will spawn another lua combinator at a specified location on the map with a specified script in the newely spawned lua combinator?

You can spawn a lua combinator but you can't set the script. it is a really ...
by JamesOFarrell
Fri Sep 25, 2015 10:20 pm
Forum: Modding discussion
Topic: Possible removal of on_load/on_save events.
Replies: 11
Views: 21367

Re: Possible removal of on_load/on_save events.

on_save should be removed but on_load is quite useful. One reason is that metatables are not serialised to disk so on_load can be used to re-create them. I'm not sure if there is a workaround for this if you remove on_load.
by JamesOFarrell
Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:22 am
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train manager 2.0.7
Replies: 348
Views: 302019

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Not rude at all, these are good questions. I started writing an explanation for why i don't use git hub but it was taking to long so created a repo instead. It was quicker. Here you go . Feel free to submit pull requests.

I have done none of the work on TFC I talked about. When I ...
by JamesOFarrell
Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:17 am
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15|0.14] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport 1.4.1
Replies: 374
Views: 374553

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Rail Tanker - Liquid transpor

I got an interesting bug on my game.

Balls. Those things you are seeing are the transparent storage tanks. To remove them drive a empty rail tanker very slowly over each one stopping constantly, it will eventually attach to the old tanker then be deleted when the tanker moves again. Or shoot them ...
by JamesOFarrell
Wed Sep 16, 2015 11:31 am
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.12.x] Lua Combinator 0.0.1
Replies: 27
Views: 34346

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Lua Combinator 0.0.1

Smarty wrote:Moved to Work in progress by smarty
Thanks Smarty!
by JamesOFarrell
Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:20 am
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15|0.14] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport 1.4.1
Replies: 374
Views: 374553

Re: [Mod 0.11.x] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport

I looked at this ......
Ok, so the issue is that the tanker is not 6 tiles long, it is 5.87 (all numbers are made up) times long. So when you have 2 or 3 tankers the pipe connection points on the tanker can some times end up in a position that is between tiles so nothing can connect. If the tanker ...
by JamesOFarrell
Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:29 am
Forum: Mods
Topic: [MOD 0.15|0.14] Rail Tanker - Liquid transport 1.4.1
Replies: 374
Views: 374553

Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Rail Tanker - Liquid transpor

Now that I can find the thread again :D I've updated the mod, the tanker now holds 2500 liquid, still not as much as a cargo wagon but twice as much as before.

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