Search found 15 matches
- Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:37 pm
- Forum: Not a bug
- Topic: [0.17.1] Fast replacing inserters doesn't work
- Replies: 6
- Views: 1328
Re: [0.17.1] Fast replacing inserters doesn't work
When I'm building things and I decide I want to use a red inserter where I just put a blue/yellow, or vice versa.
- Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:19 pm
- Forum: Not a bug
- Topic: [0.17.2] Can use commands like ctr+c but not cancel it while no unlocked
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1797
Re: [17.0.2] Can use commands like ctr+c but not cancel it while no unlocked
I don't know about Q not making sense, but I can agree that it'd be nice if you could cancel it with escape at least. It feels very unintuitive to have escape not bring the game back to a default state (i.e. closing menus, putting things back in inventory, closing map)
- Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:14 pm
- Forum: Not a bug
- Topic: [0.17.1] Fast replacing inserters doesn't work
- Replies: 6
- Views: 1328
Re: [0.17.1] Fast replacing inserters doesn't work
I really hope this is a bug. The situation where I'm trying to swap normal inserters for red is way more common than accidentally replacing my red inserters while upgrading from yellow to blue, especially given that Upgrade Planner is vanilla now.
- Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:32 pm
- Forum: News
- Topic: Friday Facts #255 - Construction tools
- Replies: 140
- Views: 63136
Re: Friday Facts #255 - Construction tools
Thank you thank you thank you for not killing research queue.
I agree with the concern that adding an extra click after hitting Q while holding a blueprint is going to be annoying, but I'm wondering if maybe it won't because people will more often use copy past functionality than blueprints. I know ...
I agree with the concern that adding an extra click after hitting Q while holding a blueprint is going to be annoying, but I'm wondering if maybe it won't because people will more often use copy past functionality than blueprints. I know ...
- Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:54 pm
- Forum: News
- Topic: Friday Facts #254 - No research queue for you
- Replies: 223
- Views: 101127
Re: Friday Facts #254 - No research queue for you
Please. Please please implement Research Queue. I would argue that the 52000 downloads of the Research Queue mod and the 137000 downloads of the Auto Research mod proclaim a desperate need for the functionality to be in vanilla. Please don't give up on it. I know you think it's unwieldy or confusing ...
- Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:15 am
- Forum: News
- Topic: Friday Facts #235 - 0.16 stable
- Replies: 122
- Views: 62441
Re: Friday Facts #235 - 0.16 stable
It has been once or twice elsewhere mentioned that there will be a native Research Queue mechanism. I'm hoping it's included in the GUI rework. PLEASE INCLUDE IT I'M BEGGING YOU 

- Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:13 pm
- Forum: Not a bug
- Topic: [0.16.27] Can't interact while zoomed in
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1067
[0.16.27] Can't interact while zoomed in
Before 0.16 it was possible to interact with some things, like inserters, chests, assemblers, etc that were within your reach distance while zoomed in on map view. As of 0.16 I haven't been able to make it work. The only interaction possible is opening the electric window.
I'm betting this is a ...
I'm betting this is a ...
- Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:11 pm
- Forum: News
- Topic: Friday Facts #232 - PAX, Bugs, Graphs
- Replies: 49
- Views: 26967
Re: Friday Facts #232 - PAX, Bugs, Graphs
Really really stoked at the idea of a native Research Queue. Yay!
- Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:51 pm
- Forum: Mods
- Topic: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6
- Replies: 194
- Views: 135515
Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6
Yeah, it's because the .zip file is supposed to have the basic mod folder first in it, I've fixed for the mod portal upload.steinio wrote: The zip file seems invalid.
Only the extracted folder got recognised as mod.
- Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:31 am
- Forum: News
- Topic: Friday Facts #221 - 0.16 is out
- Replies: 155
- Views: 70725
Re: Friday Facts #221 - 0.16 is out
Please just make sideloading fully compress onto a side of the belt, and make inserters fully compress belts without gimmicks and splitters. Having to use a splitter or underground belt or any other shenanigans to achieve full belt compression has always seemed insane to me.
- Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:24 am
- Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
- Topic: [0.15.0] Kovarex enrichment with productivity modules
- Replies: 13
- Views: 25185
Re: [0.15.0] Kovarex enrichment with productivity modules
To be honest, I don't think that's a good solution at all. I think this should be addressed in some other angle.
I think it is debatable...
But personally I would also agree that productivity Modules should be allowed, but the way the productivity is calculated should be changed.
What we need ...
I think it is debatable...
But personally I would also agree that productivity Modules should be allowed, but the way the productivity is calculated should be changed.
What we need ...
- Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:19 pm
- Forum: Modding discussion
- Topic: 0.15 modding related changelog as of March 6, 2017
- Replies: 38
- Views: 16160
Re: 0.15 modding related changelog as of March 6, 2017
Added LuaItemPrototype fuel_category, burnt_result, fuel_acceleration_multiplier, fuel_top_speed_multiplier read.
Sorry to ask something so long after you posted this, but does fuel already in the game utilize these parameters? Presumably nuclear fuel will use burnt_result, but how about the ...
- Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:46 pm
- Forum: Modding discussion
- Topic: 0.15 modding related changelog as of March 6, 2017
- Replies: 38
- Views: 16160
Re: 0.15 modding related changelog as of March 6, 2017
Added LuaItemPrototype fuel_category, burnt_result, fuel_acceleration_multiplier, fuel_top_speed_multiplier read.
Sorry to ask something so long after you posted this, but does fuel already in the game utilize these parameters? Presumably nuclear fuel will use burnt_result, but how about the ...
- Sat Nov 26, 2016 9:46 pm
- Forum: News
- Topic: Friday Facts #166 - Combat Revisit
- Replies: 158
- Views: 78265
Re: Friday Facts #166 - Combat Revisit
My biggest feature dream regarding combat would be to be able to have combat robots that sit in my logistic network and automatically deploy when biters enter the network range. It would even be okay if they were still one-offs. I just hate when I'm all the way across my map, and something starts ...
- Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:30 pm
- Forum: News
- Topic: Friday Facts #162 - Theme Art Again
- Replies: 173
- Views: 78210
Re: Friday Facts #162 - Theme Art Again
I'm a little late to the party, but I just wanted to say I LOVE REMOVING ALIEN ARTIFACTS! THANK YOU!
I play equal numbers of games with biters, for the rpg type challenge, and without, so I can not worry about things breaking while I'm doing stuff. I like the biters, in the right circumstances, but ...
I play equal numbers of games with biters, for the rpg type challenge, and without, so I can not worry about things breaking while I'm doing stuff. I like the biters, in the right circumstances, but ...