Didn't see your message. Yes PyCoalTBAA is being reworked.
If you want to play this mudpack before, you'll need earlier versions of some of the mods, mais modify one of them. I did it once when I started the modpack but won't do it again :p
OK thanks Sopel, I'll check again cause as I didn't find any recipe in the FNEI to do it by Hand. Capture d’écran 2019-06-17 à 19.44.43.png I'll check again though
Apparently a know bug with June 11th release of PYCaoltbaa https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=190&t=51967&p=435828&hilit ...
Do I miss something, or is the mod locked from the beginning ?
To get Science packs I need Circuit Substrate 1... which is to be done by an industry needing this very item. ?
Thanks for the information about the optimal settings. It seems to work for now ( only 1 biter corpse) i'll let you know if i have any problems with it anytime soon.
Do you know how much VRAM your graphics card has? I believe apple released macbooks with 330M with only 256MB. If you do not know, try reducing the memory usage in the settings or the graphics quality setting and see if that helps.
Hi, thanks for the advice, I started testing the different ...
I'm experimentig really odd FPS Drops from time to time. I usually run over 30 FPS, if not 60 but it seems that from the moment there is a biter corpse on screen it goes down to 3 or 4 FPS. (one single biter is enough to get the FPS to drastically drop)
From 0.15.11 release my game happens to have lots of FPS drops when i play, going down from 55/60 to 3 or 4.
I know my Computer is definitely under requirements but i never had such problems before. I have every graphical option to the lowest, deactivated smoke and clouds etc. Everything ...
With the 0.13.1 appeared even FPS drops, without changing anything
I usually had 50/60 FPS, and with the 0.13.1 on a map updated from the 0.13.0 ( almost nothing built yet) it dropped to 2 to 4 FPS. I know my graphic card is a bit weak, but it used to be more than OK to play with high usage of GPU ...
With the 0.13.1 appeared even FPS drops, without changing anything
I usually had 50/60 FPS, and with the 0.13.1 on a map updated from the 0.13.0 ( almost nothing built yet) it dropped to 2 to 4 FPS. I know my graphic card is a bit weak, but it used to be more than OK to play with high usage of GPU ...