Search found 3 matches

by Gerrit2001
Sat Feb 27, 2016 9:34 am
Forum: Multiplayer
Topic: [Vanilla|0.14|US] SUG Dedicated Server
Replies: 416
Views: 205434

Re: [Vanilla|0.12.24|US] MP Dedicated Server

At the time of publishing, some jackasses griefed the whole base. Could you please do something bout it? I dont really know who it was, but at the time there were two people around named "ben" and "nubleh".

(EDIT: I found out it was "ben", but further investigation is recommended, just to be ...
by Gerrit2001
Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:16 pm
Forum: Multiplayer
Topic: [Vanilla|0.14|US] SUG Dedicated Server
Replies: 416
Views: 205434

Re: [Vanilla|0.12.24|US] MP Dedicated Server

Eh, at the time of posting, the servers appear to be down :cry: . Seemed like a DDOS attack at the moment that it gone down.
by Gerrit2001
Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:35 pm
Forum: Multiplayer
Topic: [Vanilla|0.14|US] SUG Dedicated Server
Replies: 416
Views: 205434

Re: [Vanilla|0.12.24|US] MP Dedicated Server

Came by some guy in the server, it was quite a weird conversation (Crude chat log):

Oppo joined the session
Swaglag (Me): Hey
Swaglag: ` < This is key to chat
Oppo: hey this US server?
Swaglag: `Yes
Oppo: dammit, cya dued, ill be back if US is dead
Swaglag: `???
Oppo has left the session

Was ...

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