Search found 56 matches

by oof2win2
Fri Apr 19, 2024 7:59 am
Forum: 1 / 0 magic
Topic: [1.1.107] Crash loading save, force index check fails
Replies: 4
Views: 866

[1.1.107] Crash loading save, force index check fails

Hi. Loaded a map on a headless server from 1.1.104 and it crashed. The crash is reproducible and always occurs immediately on startup. Log attached in spoiler and savefile as attachment. 0.000 2024-04-19 09:53:55; Factorio 1.1.107 (build 62234, linux64, headless) 0.028 Operating system: Linux (Ubunt...
by oof2win2
Fri Nov 24, 2023 3:45 pm
Forum: 1 / 0 magic
Topic: [1.1.91] Crash (TrainCollisionHelper)
Replies: 2
Views: 696

Re: [1.1.94] Segfault on saving

My mistake, I got confused as I thought the log must have been the same. I thought that was the real crash log so I cleared it, so I am sorry but there is no log. If this would happen again, I will create a new bug report, but right now there isn't really any information about how it occured besides...
by oof2win2
Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:13 am
Forum: 1 / 0 magic
Topic: [1.1.91] Crash (TrainCollisionHelper)
Replies: 2
Views: 696

[1.1.91] Crash (TrainCollisionHelper)

Hi. My server was saving and it seems to have segfaulted during that process. I have attached the crash logfile output. I have the savefile downloaded as well if necessary, just haven't uploaded it here.
by oof2win2
Mon Sep 12, 2022 11:59 am
Forum: Minor issues
Topic: [1.1.68] banned and unbanned raised with no state change
Replies: 1
Views: 845

[1.1.68] banned and unbanned raised with no state change

The game's on_player_banned and on_player_unbanned events are raised when a player is banned or unbanned. I have outlined my 2 problems with the events below: 1. on_player_banned When a player is banned once, the event is raised - as it should be. When the player is however banned for the second tim...
by oof2win2
Mon Jun 06, 2022 7:14 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [Rseding] [1.1.30] Deadlock on loss of ConnectionAcceptOrDeny message
Replies: 6
Views: 5612

Re: [Rseding] [1.1.30] Deadlock on loss of ConnectionAcceptOrDeny message

The issue still persists in 1.1.60, which is the latest 1.1. release. See the github repo provided above for a working implementation that deadlocks the server 100% of the time. You only need to change the instance and request IDs - I do it by Wireshark and then I increment the request ID by an amou...
by oof2win2
Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:38 am
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [1.1.57] Crash of headless after desync (Entity::getID)
Replies: 4
Views: 3509

[1.1.57] Crash of headless after desync (Entity::getID)

Hey there, I have a headless server running and it appears that a client desynced, after which the server crashed down with a SIGSEGV. I am sorry that I don't know how to replicate it since I wasn't there and the player is unknown to me - I'll try contacting the user if they rejoin and asking what t...
by oof2win2
Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:34 pm
Forum: Pending
Topic: [1.1.53] Entity has a non-existent force
Replies: 2
Views: 1427

Re: [1.1.53] Entity has a non-existent force

Sorry, but I have no idea how this error occured or how to replicate it. I know that this isn't a good bug report and there most likely isn't much for you to go off of, since you have only the end result. Understandable if you can't do anything about it.
by oof2win2
Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:00 pm
Forum: Pending
Topic: [1.1.53] Entity has a non-existent force
Replies: 2
Views: 1427

[1.1.53] Entity has a non-existent force

In the savefile provided, there is an error where it is not loadable, as the savefile has a force with index 10, which does not exist. I am sorry, but I am unable to provide logs or any further information as I don't have it. Understandable if it is not solvable from just this. The savefile was not ...
by oof2win2
Sat Feb 05, 2022 7:32 am
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [1.1.53] Map generation + chunk copying does not work correctly
Replies: 1
Views: 1279

[1.1.53] Map generation + chunk copying does not work correctly

I am trying to create a surface "void" where chunks are generated. I then copy chunks from there onto the surface "battleground". The chunks are copied only from the bottom right quadrant (+x +y coordinates), with tiles being created by just multiplying the x and y values, which ...
by oof2win2
Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:54 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [1.1.50] Recursive attempted save loading?
Replies: 1
Views: 2340

[1.1.50] Recursive attempted save loading?

When a server is told to load the latest save (--start-server-load-latest) and the save directory (set to servers/) is blank, it attempts to load something, but instead loads the server directory recursively. With this I found that the folders recursed for 12 levels in 21 seconds, netting a 3gb temp...
by oof2win2
Mon Jan 03, 2022 4:54 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [1.1.50] Crash saving on headless: "Saving in this state will result in a desync when this is loaded: 1 != 0."
Replies: 3
Views: 2925

Re: [1.1.50] Crash saving on headless: "Saving in this state will result in a desync when this is loaded: 1 != 0."

Isolated it to running the attached scenario with the map gen settings, such as with the following start string:

Code: Select all

bin/x64/factorio --start-server-load-scenario FactorioScenarioMultiplayerSpawn --map-settings ./map-settings.json
by oof2win2
Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:35 am
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [1.1.50] Crash saving on headless: "Saving in this state will result in a desync when this is loaded: 1 != 0."
Replies: 3
Views: 2925

[1.1.50] Crash saving on headless: "Saving in this state will result in a desync when this is loaded: 1 != 0."

I got a crash when attempting to stop a server, during which the server attempted to save but crashed instead.
by oof2win2
Wed Dec 29, 2021 12:52 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [1.1.50] Banning players through lua doesn't work
Replies: 1
Views: 2548

[1.1.50] Banning players through lua doesn't work As can be seen in the image above, game.ban_player is not parsing it's arguments correctly / working with them when both the playername and reason for the ban are provided. When the same intended action is executed through /banlist add, it works fine. Exempt from thi...
by oof2win2
Sat Dec 18, 2021 4:53 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [Rseding] [1.1.30] Deadlock on loss of ConnectionAcceptOrDeny message
Replies: 6
Views: 5612

Re: [Rseding] [1.1.30] Deadlock on loss of ConnectionAcceptOrDeny message

Please fix this. It still occurs sometimes, and it forces the server to be restarted. Here is a bit of code to replicate the issue. Doesn't support passworded servers (yet), but replicates the issue successfully. Existing data (such as serverKey and serverKeyTimestamp) was taken from running a Facto...
by oof2win2
Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:07 pm
Forum: Modding interface requests
Topic: LuaControl.shooting_state being allowed to be used for other entities than players
Replies: 1
Views: 936

LuaControl.shooting_state being allowed to be used for other entities than players

LuaControl.shooting_state is described as current shooting state of the entity, which implies that it is for spidertrons, cars, tanks and such too, not just characters. When this is set for non-character entities, it throws an error Entity is not a character. I believe that it should be possible to ...
by oof2win2
Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:12 pm
Forum: Implemented mod requests
Topic: Export currently held blueprint library object to item
Replies: 18
Views: 5507

Re: Export currently held blueprint library object to item

+1. Making a mod that is attempting to save blueprints across multiple servers with external help, and it would be much more user-friendly if users could just drag and drop a BP from their library and not just a BP item.
by oof2win2
Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:50 pm
Forum: Modding interface requests
Topic: Interaction with blueprints from blueprint library
Replies: 2
Views: 1180

Interaction with blueprints from blueprint library

I would like for some method of interaction with blueprints from the blueprint library. You can already see whether a player has a blueprint with LuaControl. is_cursor_blueprint and view it's entities with LuaControl. get_blueprint_entities. It would be nice to be able to access the blueprint as som...
by oof2win2
Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:29 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [posila] [1.1.46] game.save_atlas throws SIGSEGV on headless
Replies: 1
Views: 2892

[posila] [1.1.46] game.save_atlas throws SIGSEGV on headless

game.save_atlas throws a SIGSEGV when ran on a headless server. Rather than that, it should throw an error that it is not a supported method or something and not crash the server down. 0.042 2021-11-16 13:26:41; Factorio 1.1.46 (build 59110, linux64, headless) 0.069 Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu 2...
by oof2win2
Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:00 pm
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Blueprint Edit - Ability to Zoom In/Out
Replies: 51
Views: 23272

Re: Add support for zooming and havigating plueprint preview

I'd like for this to be added to the game. Just a bump since there has been no activity on this in a seemingly long time.

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